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Several election rigging cases are still moving forward to Supreme Court
By ethanh // 2021-02-09
On Feb. 19, the Supreme Court will address at least three cases filed on behalf of President Donald Trump that allege widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. Attorney Sidney Powell's Michigan election case is scheduled for the Supreme Court's conference that day, as are the Pennsylvania election case and attorney Lin Wood's Georgia election case. The Pennsylvania case, Trump v Boockvar PA SOS et al, was filed back on Dec. 20. It explains that "statutory provisions ... may not be ignored by state election officials or changed by state courts." As we covered back in November immediately following the election, Pennsylvania officials threw out the rules and changed the election process to allow millions of illegal ballots to be counted for China Joe. Without these illegal ballots, Trump would have easily won Pennsylvania. This is why we wrote, and still stand by, the claim that once the dust settles and justice prevails, Trump will be declared the rightful winner of Pennsylvania. This all depends on there still being a legitimate justice system, of course. If the Supreme Court turns out to be an injustice dud, then Beijing Biden could still end up holding the prize, despite it not belonging to him. The Pennsylvania lawsuit explains that during the 2020 presidential election, Pennsylvania ignored the law by eliminating various statutory requirements, including signature verification and the right of campaigns to challenge invalid mail ballots. The commonwealth also failed to require that mail ballots be filled in, dated and signed in accordance with the law. Consequently, millions of illegal ballots were counted for Biden. "Collectively, these ... decisions resulted in counting approximately 2.6 million mail ballots in violation of the law as enacted by the Pennsylvania Legislature," the lawsuit explains. "According to public reports, without these protections, the resulting disqualification rate of invalid ballots was anemic – meaning over 110,000 invalid ballots were illegally counted – more than enough to have affected the outcome of the election, where the margin between the two principal candidates for President currently stands at 80,558."

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In the Michigan case of Timothy King et al v Gretchen Whitmer, filed on Dec. 11, plaintiffs allege that "scheme and artifice" were used to "defraud illegally and fraudulently manipulate the vote count to manufacture the 'election' of Joe Biden as president of the United States." The fraud was extensive and multi-faceted, the lawsuit further explains. In addition to "old-fashioned 'ballot-stuffing,'" the fraudsters used advanced computer software to manipulate the vote tabulation. Domestic and foreign actors were used to rig the count and manipulate the totals, the lawsuit adds, noting that Michigan politicians and other officials were complicit in the scam. "The petition detailed an especially egregious range of conduct in Wayne County and the City of Detroit, though this conduct occurred throughout the State with the cooperation and control of Michigan state election officials, including Respondents." In the Georgia case filed by Wood (L. Lin Wood, Jr. Petitioner v Brad Raffensperger et al), the allegation is made that the Eleventh Circuit's decision to reject the case gave "insufficient regard to the Secretary of State's unlawful and unconstitutional usurpation of the Georgia Legislature's plenary authority to prescribe '[t]he Times, Places, and Manner' for the conduct of presidential and congressional election." It further explains that unless the Supreme Court grants expedited consideration and relief, it will be impossible to repair the fraudulent election results that were brought about by the counting of illegally cast ballots, among other election crimes. To keep up with the latest news about the fraudulent 2020 election, be sure to check out Sources for this article include: