Trump’s Indefensible Promotion of Suicide Shots
(Article by Dustin Nemos republished from
“I know many people are weaving long threads and posts telling you Trump is playing 4d Chess. Consider the points above when you read them. And maybe even call them out by sharing this.”
What could make the MAGA Movement turn on Trump, even booing him numerous times at his own wildly popular events?
I used to be Trump’s most ardent supporter. I helped launch what we today call “The Great Awakening” A worldwide political movement, by constantly rebutting fake news and defending Trump against the vicious and unfounded lies of the deep state. But lately I’ve been having my doubts since he began to promote the vaccine, and my final straw was when he promoted the booster poison.
And I am not alone.
Arguments for Trump, Rebutted:
“He’s using misdirection cause they made fun of him”
– They make fun of him anyway. They called him “Literally Hitler” for years. What worse can they do?
“He’s using misdirection because they banned HCQ last time he resisted the Vax”
– They banned Ivermectin anyway, despite him not having been promoting it. Nonsensical defense of Trump.
“He’s using misdirection because he’s playing 4d Chess”
– And killing babies with his terrible booster promotion, babies I report on almost every single video dying from bleeding from the mouth after being born, or dying of seizures and heart attacks after drinking mommy’s milk. Do you have children? What 4d Chess gain is worth it? What did we GAIN from this? Was it worth the price paid in dead babies ?
“They would have shut down the economy for years if he hadn’t gone along with it.”
– They shut down the economies everywhere (that they could) anyways. So we didn’t avoid it. This argument makes no sense. I
wish they had shut down the economy for 10 years
instead of poisoning half the world. By year 2 everyone would have rebelled as no one was dying and they would have been fed up. Instead everyone is dying from Variants caused by the vaccines, and they have the perfect excuse – Better Broke than Dead.
“More people would have died !”
– How would more people have died with Trump saying “refuse the poison” as opposed to Trump saying “Take the Poison” ? This can ONLY be true if most of the world was vehemently anti Trump. Most loved him.
“If Trump was actively against the vaccines, the media would be eviscerating him and he would be blamed for us still being in this Covid situation. Because he has been pro-vaccine, the media can’t blame him for anything. His stance keeps focus on the inadequacies and illegitimacy of the Biden administration where it needs to be.”
Then why is he promoting the boosters? That’s when it clicked for
“Trump isn’t killing anyone. Is he physically injecting people? Go away.”
– Is Fauci Physically Injecting People? Or CDC’s Walensky? No. Their job is to sell you the poison, yet no one trusts them. People Trust Trump – and he’s selling it.

I know many people are weaving long threads and posts telling you Trump is playing 4d Chess. Consider the points above when you read them. And maybe even call them out by sharing this.
Whether you still support Trump or not – he lost me pushing vaccines and now boosters which are mass killing millions of people including
babies – I think we need to push back against Trump when he’s wrong. at the very least. And if that means calling him out for his promotion of poison, then maybe he’ll think twice about promoting it to keep the FAKE NEWS from calling him bad names. Who cares what the FAKE NEWS thinks? What do lions care for the opinion of Sheep? Is he a leader or a pansy? We already KNOW Trump has thick skin.
He should care what WE think. Not what THEY think
WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who put him in power in the first place.
We’re the ones whose lives are being destroyed, whose economy is falling to pieces, whose jobs and livelihoods are being threatened. Whose currency is being hyperinflated into mass poverty and privation.
We’re the ones whose babies are dying when they nurse on their mothers. Who are born only to die bleeding from the mouth in their mothers arms because she was pressured into taking the vaccine in order to live a normal life.
We’re the ones who are suffering.
Where is he on these issues? Any of them?
Take heart, We The People’s Great Awakening is NOT over. Trump or no Trump.
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