RED ALERT: Entire U.S. supply of diesel engine oil may be wiped out in 8 weeks... no more oil until 2023 due to "Force Majeure" additive chemical shortages
As if we all needed something else to add to our worries, a potentially catastrophic situation is emerging that threatens to wipe out the entire supply of diesel engine oil across the United States, leaving the country with no diesel engine oil until 2023.
This isn't merely a rumor: We've confirmed this is happening.
According to information you'll see here (and explained in more detail in today's podcast, below), chemical manufacturers of diesel engine oil additives have declared
force majeure and have ceased supply operations to the diesel engine oil manufacturers. Those manufacturers combine
base oils with "additive packages" to create diesel engine oil. You can see a full list of these additives
Antioxidants, anti-corrosion agents, dispersing additives, antirust mechanisms, friction modifiers, EP additives, antifoaming agents, antioxidants, etc.
Without these additives, diesel engine oil manufacturers cannot produce the final oil products that lubricate diesel engines. Because key manufacturers of these additives have ceased operations, diesel engine oil can apparently no longer be produced in the USA, at least not until these necessary chemicals are restored to full supply. This is explained by an industry expert in the following 2-minute video:
The current supply of diesel engine oil is expected to be wiped out within 4 - 8 weeks
As stated in the video above, the current supply of diesel engine oil will likely be gone in 4-8 weeks. After that, unless a solution is quickly found,
there will be no diesel engine oil available until some time in 2023.
So from late August through 2023, barring some new chemical intervention, there will be no diesel engine oil available in the United States.
"I want it to sink what I'm trying to tell you. I'm trying to tell you there's going to be no diesel engine oil for an entire year at all," says the man in the video. "Get some oil, whatever it takes. If you want to continue to operate, you need a least a year's worth of oil sitting in the garage or in the shop."
But is he correct? We did some digging to find out...
The warning checks out: Other engine oil suppliers are already warning about the inventory wipeout
We don't yet know the identity of the man in the video above, and we don't automatically believe what he is saying. So we've independently checked with other diesel engine oil suppliers to find out if this shortage allegation is legit.
Sinopec is a commercial oil brand that's available for purchase online. The retail website carries a similar warning about the looming wipeout of diesel engine oil:

Here's the text on their website, sourced on June 21, 2022: (note the non-perfect grammar, which we have not corrected):
Diesel Oil PRICE LIST while supplies last. We expect to stock out of diesel oil products in the month June of 2022, and resume back with inventory first quarter of 2023.
This means that other refinery products, including the raw materials for producing base oil for lubricants, are in short supply. This has led to a worldwide shortage of base oils.
Refinery maintenance
Many crude oil producers have postponed their planned maintenance in 2020 because of the pandemic. They are now shutting down to carry out critical maintenance activities, further reducing global supply. Reduced demand for paraffin and fuel has caused many refineries to carry out maintenance activities, further reducing available capacity
Several winter
In February, the Gulf Coast region of the United States was hit by unprecedentedly severe and cold winter weather. This caused shortages in many chemicals and raw materials needed for the production of lubricant additives. In addition, several major additive suppliers declared Force Majeure after their raw material suppliers invoked force majeure due to the extreme weather conditions. This affects additives and chemicals for all lubricant categories.
UPDATE: Shortly after my podcast went live, citing the BuySinopec website, they removed this language from that page, likely due to the very high number of media inquiries they were getting due to my mentioning them in my podcast.
Another source confirms the shortage and rationing of diesel engine oil
A third source has confirmed this situation to me personally, emphasizing that if I were to attempt to purchase two 55-gallon drums of 15W40 diesel engine oil, they could only provide one drum because of "diesel engine oil rationing" that has been initiated within their distribution company. Apparently they are having difficulty supplying all the engine oil being demanded by customers.
We currently have an in-house researcher looking for the actual names and locations of the additive chemical manufacturers who have reportedly declared
force majeure and are causing this extreme disruption in the supply chain for engine oil. We will bring you that update once it is available. At present, we do not know the names of these additive manufacturers.
Shortages of diesel fuel and DEF also widely reported
All modern diesel engines require three things to operate:
1) Diesel fuel
2) Diesel engine oil
3) Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) (used to reduce emissions)
Without any one of these three, diesel engines cannot function. Importantly, there are shortages being widely reported in each of these three.
Diesel fuel shortages are being reported in Florida, with Flying J gas stations running out along the highways in some areas. As we reported yesterday
Union Pacific reducing rail shipments of diesel fuel for Pilot Flying J gas stations… DEF – Diesel Exhaust Fluid – supply chain also cratering
In addition, Union Pacific railroad is asking CF Industries, the primarily supplier of urea for making DEF fluid, to reduce rail car loads. This means the distribution of DEF ingredients as being disrupted.
The problem is so severe that even Tucker Carlson has covered the diesel fuel scarcity emergency:
From "scarcity to non-existent"
A diesel engine oil shortage only adds to the escalating catastrophe hammering trucking and transportation. "[Oil is] going to become the hottest commodity you've ever seen over the next couple of months. Anywhere from the next 4 weeks to 8 weeks, it's going to go from scarcity to non-existent," says the man in the video above.
Anecdotally, owners of RVs and trucks have been reporting worsening shortages in the diesel engine oil market for months. In February of this year, for example,
a user at the "Alliance RV Owners Forum" reported:
DIY vehicle maintenance guys are having a hard time finding synthetic diesel motor oil. I've always used Rotella T6 5W40 and I can't find that stuff anywhere, not even on Amazon. Other brands seem to be in short supply too. I picked up some Motorcraft synthetic 5W40 at my local Ford dealership and the parts manager told me that dealerships are having a difficult time getting Motorcraft diesel oils in.
Users on a
GMC Duramax (diesel truck) forum shared similar stories from February of this year:
I cannot for the life of me find Delo 400 in any stores. Diesel oil in general seems scarce. I was able to find some Rotella which I have never used but I've heard it's a good oil. I went ahead and bought 2 2.5 gallon jugs since they were on sale for $30.
Rotella T6 has evaporated for me in the NJ area.
There is a huge additive shortage presently.
Retailers, customers and distributors are all reporting shortages in diesel engine oil. This is not an imaginary problem, it is a
real problem that is so far entirely ignored by the corporate media.
Without diesel engine oil, transportation in the USA grinds to a halt... including trains
Yesterday, my company emailed a representative working for one of our package / transport carriers. We asked them if they had contingency plans on how they would deal with diesel fuel shortages. Their answer shocked me so deeply that I recorded a short podcast about it (below).
They told me we didn't have to worry about diesel shortages because if the diesel ran out, they would revert to using trains for transportation.
Confused, we asked them a question in our reply, "What fuel do you think trains run on?"
Their answer? COAL.
Yes, people working for transportation and logistics carriers in 2022 think there's a guy on every train, madly shoveling coal into a fire box, like a scene out of the 1850s. They have no idea that
trains run on diesel.
Since trains run on massive diesel engines, they use a tremendous amount of diesel engine oil. If the oil runs out, the trains cannot run.
If the trucks and the trains stop running, forget about getting a supply of anything
At this point, any rational person who isn't a dumbed-down Biden supporter or a mind-numbed CNN viewer should be realizing what happens when the diesel engine oil runs out and all the trucks and trains stop running.
For starters, there will be
no coal deliveries to the power plants that generate electricity. So the power grid ceases to function.
That also means all the people with electric vehicles won't be able to charge their cars.
No diesel = No electric vehicle charging.
With no electricity, ATMs won't work and banks won't function either. Nor will Point-Of-Sale retail systems at checkout counters. Credit cards won't work either.
Without trucks or trains, there will be
no food deliveries to grocery stores. No inventory at Wal-Mart. No lumber at Home Depot.
If this diesel engine oil situation is not somehow resolved, will cease to function because all the package carriers -- UPS, Fedex, USPS, etc. -- will not be able to move loads via roads or rail.
Even worse, without diesel engine oil,
all agriculture will grind to a halt and the crops will rot in the fields.
There will be
no construction machinery able to operate, since they're all diesel engines.
And if your food facility is on fire and you dial 911, they won't be able to send fire trucks because tire trucks run on diesel engines (as do most ambulances).
Many ships and boats also use diesel engines as well.
So a collapse of diesel engine oil, if it runs its course, leads to a total collapse of the economy. America cannot survive even six months without diesel engine oil, much less a year.
Sri Lanka is pulling trains off the railways due to the diesel engine oil shortage
As proof of the severity of all this, Sri Lanka -- which is already in a state of revolt and collapse -- has just announced they have no diesel engine oil for their railway trains. From
Sri Lanka Railways said that it will NOT be possible to operate trains in the future due to the lack of engine oil. A senior official at Sri Lanka Railways said that the current level of engine oil would only last for another two months.
That's in line with the warning we're hearing in the states: About 8 weeks of diesel engine oil remaining in the pipeline. If that holds out, it means there will be no more diesel engine oil in late August or early September.
About 10 percent of 18-wheeler rigs need to change their oil each week
All across America, about 10% of the 18-wheeler transport trucks have to change their oil each week. These trucks go about 25,000 miles between oil changes, and a typical rig is driven about 2,500 miles per week. That means the typical truck goes 10 weeks between oil changes.
Mathematically, assuming the oil change status is evenly distributed across the fleet of transport trucks, starting in late August,
about 10% of long-haul trucks will have to be removed from the roads each week due to a lack of diesel engine oil.
Within 10 weeks, unless some new supply is found, nearly 100% of the trucks will be garaged.
Considering some buffer time in all this, that puts us at around mid-November for the "truck-a-geddon" scenario where trucks are no longer functioning because there's no engine oil. Trains would be shut down around the same time, seemingly.
We hope this problem can be resolved and that a solution is found. Yet we also live in a world where we have a widely recognized
infant formula shortage and now even a tampon shortage. There's a diesel fuel shortage, a DEF shortage and a serious shortage of replacement parts for tractors, trucks and construction equipment. So it's not a radical thought to realize there may be a diesel engine oil shortage brewing as well.
Joe Biden recently bragged about "taking millions of cars off the road," confirming that his goal is to actually eliminate vehicles on roadways. Nationwide scarcity of engine oil would surely accomplish that goal rather quickly, it seems.
The way things are going under the Biden administration -- a senile crook who was thrust into power with a rigged, illegitimate "election" -- we can only expect the worst.
Get all the details on this and more in today's Situation Update podcast:
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