“And here’s the kicker,” Reich added, “Even though farmers are getting squeezed, the ag monopolists are also charging you [the consumer] higher prices.” During the COVID-19 pandemic when consumer beef prices rose nearly 16%, the profits of the four biggest beef companies rose more than 300%, according to Reich. “You have cattle ranchers going broke while consumers are paying all-time record prices for beef,” Bill Bullard, head of the Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, told WBUR. What’s the solution? “We need to break up Big Ag,” Reich said. Watch the video here: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children's Health Defense. Read more at: ChildrensHealthDefense.orgIn 1980, 62 cents of every dollar spent on beef went to ranchers. Today, only 37 cents do.
During COVID, beef prices rose by nearly 16%. Meanwhile, the 4 biggest beef companies’ profits rose more than 300%. The meat monopoly is nothing short of a nationwide crisis. pic.twitter.com/9yAfJA5HdN — Robert Reich (@RBReich) July 15, 2022
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