It's not clear at all what other firearms Biden was referencing, but what is clear is that the AR-15 round is not the fastest, so it can't be 'five times faster' than 'any other' round. Fox News explained further: A June study by hunting gear retailer Field and Stream looked at the fastest rifle cartridges – and AR-15 rounds did not make their list. Field & Stream listed .220 Swift, .257 Weatherby Magnum and .30/378 Weatherby as the fastest rounds, along with 224 Clark and .22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer. The .220 Swifts are not shot by AR-15s. Each of those five cartridges varies from 3,400 to 4,600 feet per second (fps), according to the study. As for the .223 and 5.56 rounds, two of the most popular shot from an AR-15, those generally move at between 2,700-3,100 feet per second. Biden's BS was roundly mocked on social media. "Really? Hmm, a .45acp is a slow round at 950fps, that means an AR is 4750fps. A 9mm is about 1200fps, making the AR 6000fps I will refer you to this tweet," said the Xring3 LLC account, referencing a tweet that noted: "Far too many think they're experts until expertise is required. If you don't know, admit it If you want to know, just ask; I'll explain it If you don't want to know, keep your mouth shut because you look like a fool pretending to be an expert in a room full of experts."An AR-15 could vaporize an entire human body in a matter of seconds.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 31, 2022
"30-06 hunting rifle, 30-30, 308, or a shotgun will do more damage with one shot. Also depends on the type of bullet, the weight and the [powder] load. It is the person pulling the trigger that is the issue. Boston bomber used a pressure cooker," another user added.Really? Hmm, a .45acp is a slow round at 950fps, that means an AR is 4750fps. A 9mm is about 1200fps, making the AR 6000fps
I will refer you to this tweet. — Xring3 LLC firearms (@Tactical_review) August 31, 2022
Another user mocked Biden with this post: "An AR-15 fires heat seeking rounds that explode on impact. Why would any civilian need this?"30-06 hunting rifle, 30-30, 308, or a shotgun will do more damage with one shot. Also depends on the type of bullet, the weight and the poweder load. It is the person pulling the trigger that is the issue. Boston bomber used a pressure cooker.
— Sam Dawson (@SamsGarageSale) August 31, 2022
If Biden ever told the truth, he'd shock half the nation. Sources include: NaturalNews.comAn AR-15 fires heat seeking rounds that explode on impact. Why would any civilian need this?
— Shawn (@Swhit310) August 31, 2022
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