In March it was reported that female students at an elite Brisbane private school were walking on all fours and cutting holes into their uniforms for tails because they identify as cats or foxes. ‘When a girl went to sit at a spare desk, another girl screamed at her and said she was sitting on her tail; there’s a slit in this child’s uniform where the tail apparently is,’ a concerned parent told the Courier Mail. The school denied the claim from the parent.There are other unconfirmed rumors of girls identifying as cats, although no reports on how the staff is dealing with it. Reading stories like this, I wonder how much pressure our collective psyche can handle. There has been an immensely encouraging backlash to transgender “treatments” for children over the past year, and some indication that the evidence of the trauma we are inflicting on a bewildered generation is breaking into public consciousness. But how far will we as a culture accept these increasingly wild identity claims? Transgender is now a post-Christian dogma that we cannot question, so where will the line be drawn? Trans-racial? Trans-age? Or will it take girls identifying as cats—trans-speciesism (yes, there’s already a word for it)— before we finally notice that the Emperor is naked and not a cat? I wonder. I can quite easily see ridiculous men like Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden stating, with the utmost solemnity, that it is our duty to affirm people’s beliefs about their identity; that people can “be who they want to be”; that only a cruel and hateful person would tell Cat Girl that she is a girl and not a cat. Once we unharnessed ourselves from objective reality, it was inevitable that we would be swept away. It wasn’t inevitable that so many would buy in so quickly, mind you. But here we are. Read more at:
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