After labeling deception revealed, former NuManna distributor issues public appeal for an APOLOGY and restitution to customers
As we
revealed recently, the NuManna company -- a provider of survival food products -- has spent the last five years deceiving customers by marketing an organic storable food product with label artwork and marketing claims that say Natural News has been testing their product for heavy metals and pesticides. Their product was also heavily promoted with the claim that their product was "Health Ranger approved." But as readers now know,
Natural News hasn't tested their product since late 2016, and the NuManna company violated the terms of the contract in 2017 and decided to simply cut off royalty payments to Natural News for no reason whatsoever.
Despite ending all royalty payments, NuManna continued to falsely claim their product was "Health Ranger Approved" and was being routinely tested by Natural News labs. The contract required food samples to be sent to Natural News for
each production lot so that ongoing, repeated testing could be conducted. But
no samples were ever sent beyond the original pre-production formulation samples.
Even worse, NuManna was
made aware of these violations multiple times, and acknowledged that they knew what they were doing, but they continued to use the false claims on their product labels, website, brochures, marketing materials and other content, continuing to deceive their customers for many years, while profiting from the deception by
implying that the Health Ranger had granted ongoing approval for their products (and while falsely claiming those products were being tested in the Natural News labs, which they were not).

One former distributor recently told Natural News:
I should have known by the way their staff behaved when small things went wrong that something like this was coming. I also endorsed their products because I thought that Mike Adams was guaranteeing the quality. I feel awful about every customer who ever purchased through me, thinking that we were doing business honestly.
NuManna so far refuses to apologize and appears to be in a state of self-denial
Natural News went public with this astonishing story, we demanded that NuManna: 1) Stop using the labels. 2) Publicly apologize for the years of deception. 3) Offer refunds or store credit to all customers who purchased these products. 4) Donate the owed royalties to non profit organizations of our choice.
As NuManna distributors were receiving a flood of angry calls, we quickly
followed up with a second story, urging the public to understand that, to our knowledge, distributors of NuManna products had no knowledge that NuManna was running this scheme. They are telling us that NuManna kept this information from them and even
lied to them about the labeling of their organic product.
To our knowledge, NuManna still has not apologized for this scheme, and to our knowledge they have not contacted their customers who purchased these products to offer an explanation or a refund. An email from NuManna to customers who contacted them about this issue claims they "dispute" the allegations. Thus, it appears they are continuing to deny the reality of what they have been doing and all the harm they have caused their own customers by misleading them into falsely believing their products were being routinely lab tested and Health Ranger Approved -- a claim that appeared prominently for many years in their marketing materials as shown here:

When given the opportunity to do the right thing, NuManna continues to choose to delay and deceive. This speaks volumes about this company and their lack of operational ethics, in my view. Any honest company, I believe, would immediately apologize and seek to make this right. NuManna has so far chosen not to do that.
In our original reporting, we publicized a public email address where distributors could contact us with additional information about NuManna:
[email protected]
We have received many emails at that address, and there are many true stories to share with the public about NuManna's business practices.
I posted a full podcast explaining all this, and why it's wrong to falsely claim your product is being tested and approved when it isn't:
A former NuManna distributor asks Daniel Brigman to do the right thing and APOLOGIZE to customers for the deception
Now, a former NuManna distributor known as
Ready Made Resources ( is stepping forward and publicly asking Daniel Brigman at NuManna to do the right thing and apologize for the deception. I interviewed Bob Griswold -- whom I have known for years as a major player in the night vision retail industry -- for about 30 minutes, in which he lays out what happened and why NuManna needs to come forward with an apology and an offer to make good on the owed royalties (which can be structured as donations over time to non-profits we designate).
That full interview is viewed here:
As you can hear in the interview, both Bob Griswold and myself are asking NuManna to simply own up to their deception and misrepresentation, and by doing so,
we will agree to drop all legal claims against them. As Christians, we will agree to forgive them if they apologize and make this right for their customers. We ask for no money whatsoever -- even though we are owed plenty -- and instead seek to use any restitution to fund worthwhile non-profits such as Craig Sawyer's group that works to stop child trafficking across the US border.
As Bob Griswold says, it's like offering NuManna a "get out of jail free card."
So far, NuManna has refused to agree to arbitration, and they have refused to publicly apologize or offer anything in the form of donations to non-profits for the owed royalties.
We are hearing from other distributors who are extremely unhappy about this situation, and several are telling us that they are demanding NuManna do the right thing so that this issue can be resolved and the company can move forward.
We are currently encouraging all customers who purchased these fraudulently-labeled NuManna products (the Organic Family Pack) to demand refunds from the company and to consider filing complaints with all relevant organizations, including the Better Business Bureau and the FTC.
We are, of course, meeting with our own attorneys and are prepared to sue NuManna in civil court for their contract violations, theft of intellectual property and several other issues. But of course, such lawsuits only tend to enrich attorneys on both sides while taking years to resolve, which is why we are offering NuManna a simple, honest path to resolving this amicably, without resorting to expensive lawsuits.
NuManna has a golden opportunity right now to repair the damage, ask the public for forgiveness, and rebuild trust with customers.
Will they take it?
If you purchased one of these products from NuManna, you can contact them here:
Phone: 1-888-597-0775
[email protected]