“All right, they’re on our left, they’re on our right, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us…they can’t get away this time.” -Chesty Puller, United States MarinesOnly in politics could 2022 players be surprised by the “innovation” of a mail-in ballot-led strategy exactly the same as was used in 2020. (Article by Jay Valentine republished from 12ft.io) If more than 20 million people watched Dinesh D'Souza's documentary, 2,000 Mules, why didn’t candidates prepare for phantom voters? Political people are really stupid. In 2020, Democrats set up corner mail-in ballot drop boxes, harvested thousands of floating ballots, and live, on video tape, dropped them off at ballot-gathering stations. In 2022, only the Republican Party, truly The Stupid Party, could be caught flat-footed with its opponents doing exactly the same thing, exactly the same way, at full scale, on video, again. It is exasperating to listen to the moaning in Arizona where the Maricopa County election fraud factory did precisely the same thing in 2022 as it did in 2020 – stealing an election from a group of promising candidates. They even had their candidate skip debates the way Joe Biden did, hiding in her basement! Let’s ask the question nobody is asking: Why were candidates spending millions on ads and organizations while ignoring the work of cleaning up the voter rolls? The Democrat, leftist ballot strategy has one absolute, must have, ingredient: Floating ballots. A floating ballot is the one that goes to 434 Prescott Street for Bill Jones. But the address is an apartment building, so it cannot be delivered because it does not indicate that Bill is Unit 34. That free-floating ballot is collected by someone – and eventually voted. This happens in almost every state in about every multi-unit building. We saw it in many states in 2020 and 2022. In 2022, innovative Republican candidates, a very few, mailed postcards to every voter in their congressional district. The cards that came back = NON-DELIVERABLE ADDRESS. They challenged ballots sent to these addresses, and perhaps they sent volunteers to find some of those accumulated ballots. We know a voter integrity team in Georgia, working from their kitchens, doing similar “analysis.” People, this isn’t hard. This isn’t expensive. This is mandatory! Find the phantoms! Why do we not see every major political campaign have an outreach to identify phantoms and stop the ballot-harvesting? Clue: The Republican organizations are as into keeping phantoms on the voter rolls as the Democrat leftists. Don’t believe me? Mike Lindell hired us to work with the voter integrity team in Wisconsin right after 2020 election. Sheriff David Clarke called me when I was in Tucson and asked if we would apply Fractal Programming, which is described at www.Omega4America.com, to voter rolls. Lindell is as colorful in real life as he is selling pillows on television and he's equally passionate. Let me take you there. Mike called me at 8:00 p.m. asking me to run the voter rolls for one of the reddest states. The next morning, I had to present the voter roll phantoms to its Secretary of State, via a Zoom call. I had two hours to find at-scale phantom voters in one of the reddest states and present them to a group of 20 lawyers after my first cup of coffee the following morning. It wasn’t hard. Voters registered in prison. People voting from homeless shelters – for 20 years. (Homeless shelters do not have 20-year residents, don’t email me about this). Active voters in a frat house who were 106 years old, and a voter who was 1,900 years old who registered to vote, just before the 2020 election. The response from this Republican secretary of state was complete denial. No matter how crazy the phantom’s address was – like a jail – he refused to concede there was any phantom inhabitation of his state’s voter rolls. We now run about 20 states and they are all like this. Phantom voter fraud is the heart and soul of ballot-harvesting election-stealing. If we eliminate phantom voter fraud, people will still screw with machines, Maricopa County will make sure its voting machines do not work in Republican precincts, but the fake-ballot harvesting at scale will end. It’s where the big votes are! Election fraud is an industry. It is core to the fabric of both Democrat and Republican establishments. If there is any election truism we found in 20 months helping voter integrity teams in over a dozen states, it is that only America-First candidates appear to be victims. Phantom voters appeared in a state representative election in Wisconsin between two Republicans, one of whom was trying to unseat an unpopular guy. Guess what? Phantoms moved from their current homes, to this little state rep district, voted, then seem to have moved back. All in a couple of weeks. Do you think this was a Leftist plot? Hardly. Same thing happened in a Florida congressional race where an America-First candidate lost a primary to a RINO and there were about three times the number of phantoms in the final total as were needed to turn the race. Who do you think won? Cleta Mitchell of the Public Interest Legal Foundation reported on the 31 states who use ERIC, which was an originally Soros-funded entity, providing virtual food and clothing to phantoms. ERIC is a totally faked-out entity giving both Republican and Democrat governors cover for keeping phantoms on the voter rolls. Back to Chesty Puller. We know election stealing is the intended end for the ballot-first strategy. We know how they do it. We see, thanks to Fractal Programming, literally every voter in every state across scores of databases; we can determine if they are likely fake. Same thing with addresses. We can see voter rolls, on different dates and attack “sovereign voter fraud” when the government is in on it. We can see when the voter is inactive, changed to active, voted, then changed back – invisible to most current tech. After my last piece on election fraud, I counted almost 1,000 emails. The top question: “What can I do? The answer is to demand every major political campaign have a voter clean-up strategy. Why would you donate your time, your dough, to a candidate who will just get screwed by phantoms while his or her opponent refuses to debate and lives in a basement? And start raising hell with your state reps to dump ERIC. Why would any Republican state use a phantom voter care and feeding system? We will never eliminate mail-in voting. We can, however, chase phantoms off the voter rolls and end much of the election stealing. They are all around us – we have them just where we want them. Now let’s eliminate their phantom ballot inventory. Read more at: 12ft.io
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