"Chan, the FBI's FITF, and senior CISA officials had meetings with social media companies in the lead-up to the 2020 election, in which Chan personally told the social media companies that there could potentially be a Russian “hack and leak” operation shortly before the election," the Show-Me State AG continued.?BREAKING: In our deposition of FBI agent Elvis Chan on Tuesday, we found that the FBI plays a big role in working with social media companies to censor speech - from weekly meetings with social media companies ahead of the 2020 election to asks for account takedowns.
— Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) December 2, 2022
"Those meetings were initially quarterly, then monthly, then weekly heading into the 2020 election," Schmitt continued.Chan, the FBI's FITF, and senior CISA officials had meetings with social media companies in the lead-up to the 2020 election, in which Chan personally told the social media companies that there could potentially be a Russian “hack and leak” operation shortly before the election.
— Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) December 2, 2022
"Chan stated that the FBI regularly sent social media companies lists of URLs and social media accounts that should be taken down because they were disinformation from 'malign foreign influence operations.' The FBI then inquired whether the platforms have taken down the content," he continued (the bureau always couches these viewpoint censorship campaigns as attempts to interdict 'malign foreign actors' -- it's a lie).Those meetings were initially quarterly, then monthly, then weekly heading into the 2020 election.
— Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) December 2, 2022
"On many occasions, the platforms took down the accounts flagged by the FBI," he noted further.Chan stated that the FBI regularly sent social media companies lists of URLs and social media accounts that should be taken down because they were disinformation from “malign foreign influence operations.” The FBI then inquired whether the platforms have taken down the content.
— Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) December 2, 2022
Blatant FBI election interference. This is why this agency needs to go away or, at a minimum, everyone at the rank of supervisor needs to be replaced. Our country is being stolen from us one election at a time. Sources include: InformationLiberation.com FoxNews.comOn many occasions, the platforms took down the accounts flagged by the FBI.
— Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) December 2, 2022
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