Many times since 2020, I’ve wished I had a simple, easy-to-read book that could reach the people we all know who are in the dark, people who have assumed that everything they’ve heard from government and
Big Pharma is true.
(Article by Gavin de Becker republished from
“‘Cause Unknown’” is a book you can hand to that family member or friend that’s been impossible to reach. The book quickly and efficiently communicates some simple undeniable truths:
- In 2021, the CEO of OneAmerica was the first of several insurance companies to publicly disclose that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, deaths in people of working age (18-64) were 40% higher than before the pandemic. And the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID-19.
- A 40% increase in deaths is literally earthshaking, and not only for the devastated families and communities that directly experience the deaths. Even a 10% increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40%.
And therein lies a story — a story that starts with obvious questions:
- What caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people?
- What caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?
Young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly at a rate we’ve never experienced —
dying while playing sports,
dying in their sleep. Mortality among working-age Americans has been spiking since 2021, a public health issue that isn’t being addressed — and is being actively suppressed.
Whole sections of this book are images of news headlines, many from local newspapers, each with a QR Code that links to the original source, allowing the reader to confirm in an instant that every story is real.
Because some information will be hard to believe for the very people this book aims to reach, the presence of the QR Code directly adjacent to each fact is a powerful feature — and there are 350 of these QR Codes in this book.
The reader isn’t asked to accept anything on faith, because everything is clearly sourced, often linked to public health and government databases, and instantly accessible as one reads.
Here are some sample pages:

Even after just a few sample pages, ask yourself if you recall seeing these kinds of things occurring during your own life — in junior high? In high school? In college? How many times in your life did you hear of a performer dropping dead on stage in mid-performance, or perfectly healthy teenagers dying in their sleep?
Your own experience and intuition will tell you that what you’re seeing is not normal. Or at least it wasn’t normal before 2021.
You’ve seen a few sample pages — the book contains examples of hundreds of these unexplained sudden deaths among young people.
This unusual book has an unusual history: Author
Edward Dowd was a brilliant Wall Street careerist who built a $14 billion fund when he was with the financial titan
In 2021, Dowd found himself withdrawing from Wall Street to study an alarming trend: the expanding and tragic epidemic of sudden deaths among healthy young people.
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