Here's a summary of a half-century's worth of failed 'eco-pocalyptic' predictions of Earth's doom
Thinking, rational people long ago figured out that the Marxist globalist left uses disaster scenarios to force acceptance of policies that a) empower them; while b) enslaving entire populations, and one of the most common over the past half-century has beenĀ the lie that human activities are causing the earth to deteriorate before it dies altogether.
SUVs, cattle flatulence, eating meat, growing crops, using fertilizer, and making things in factories all are contributing to our demise, so the propaganda goes, and in order to reverse the 'path of destruction' we are on, we as a civilization
must abandon all that is modern and convenient for hellish existences living on government subsidies.
So far, the vast majority of the planet has refused to believe the nonsense, but that hasn't stopped the globalist tyrants from continuing to push this monumental lie that started with the "overpopulation" scare in the late 1960s, to "global cooling/the next Ice Age" in the 1970s, to "global warming" in the 1980s and 1990s, to, now, "climate change."
the Competitive Enterprise Institute, an organization that supports free markets and liberty, has compiled the most recent list of bogus "eco-pocalyptic" predictions over the past 50 years that have not come true (and are not going to come true because they are nonsensical):
Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today.
None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true.
What follows is a collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and science.
And by the way, it should be noted that the modern leftist/communist/Marxist movement in the West began in the late 1960s, when "the counterculture" sought to throw off all of the cultural and societal norms that made the U.S. and its European allies so successful: Religious principles, two-parent households, a strong work ethic, and an equally strong civic ethic -- all supported with a good public education system that taught fundamental knowledge and the virtues of good citizenship and patriotism.
The Great Famine
In November 1967, theĀ
Salt Lake City Tribune published a report claiming that there would be "dire famine by 1975," and in fact, according to one Stanford University professor, it was already too late to avoid it.

"It is already too late for the world to avoid a long period of famine, a Stanford University biologist said," the paper noted. "Paul Ehrlich said the 'time of famines' is upon us and will be at its worst and most disastrous by 1975."
That, of course, did not happen. Over the ensuing decades, the United States would go on to become an agricultural powerhouse, easily feeding Americans and exporting more food than 100 other countries combined.
The Great Pollution Disintegration

The same academic, now being referred to as a "population biologist," predicted in 1969 that the world's population would disappear in a blue plume of carbon dioxide. "The trouble with almost all environmental problems is that by the time we have enough evidence to convince people, you're dead," Ehrlich claimed. (How can you refute that?)
The New York Times added: "While Dr. Ehrlich is gathering that evidence in his laboratory at Stanford University, he is wasting no time trying to convince people that drastic action is needed to head off what he foresees as a catastrophic explosion fueled by runaway population growth, a limited world food supply, and contamination of the planet by man."
Well, the world's population today is declining in the most advanced countries; 'pollution' in the form of emissions in the U.S., supposedly the 'worst polluter' in the world, is dropping; and again, global food supplies are stable, the war in Ukraine notwithstanding.
The Next Ice Age

The reasons for the 'next ice age' -- higher consumption of oxygen than replacement back into the environment -- has also not happened. Neither has overpopulation, a climate apocalypse, the total destruction of the ozone, or mass starvation.
By now it should be evident that the 'experts' who were all pushing this nonsense were either not experts at all, or were pushing politicized propaganda due to an agenda. Either way, they were wrong.
Sources include: