The alchemical principle of the Revelation of the Method has as its chief component, a clown-like, grinning mockery of the victim(s) as a show of power and macabre arrogance. When this is performed in a veiled manner accompanied by certain occult signs and symbolical words and elicits no meaningful response of opposition or resistance from the target(s), it is one of the most efficacious techniques of psychological warfare and mind-rape.Since the advent of mass media, the Revelation of the Method has become increasingly obvious. While, in the past, the elite operated in complete secrecy, it now seeks to operate in plain sight. Countless events of 2022 fit perfectly into concept of Revelation of the Method. So-called “Conspiracy theories” are being revealed as obvious truths right before our very eyes. 2022 was the year that dark secrets were revealed one after the other… and yet most people, caught up in their busy lives and completely brainwashed by mainstream media, still fail to grasp what is actually going on. And that’s exactly what the elite want. The People’s Voice is about exposing what is really happening behind the scenes. Our mission is to equip the masses with the knowledge necessary to reject the evil and madness of the global elite. If you haven’t subscribed to our channel, please consider joining us in our mission and helping to spread the word. We can’t do it without you. Here’s a look at some revealing events of 2022 and what they mean in the grand scheme of things. Honoring pedophiles
In September, Indiana University unveiled a statue honoring Alfred Kinsey. You might think this is a minor event in a year as tumultuous as 2022, but bear with me because when you scratch the surface, the truth behind this statue reveals the dark secrets of the elite.
“My mama was sacrificed”.He also mentioned the father of Michael Jordan, the son of Bill Cosby, and the son of Dr. Dre – all dead in mysterious circumstances. According to him, these sacrifices are carried out to “control and traumatize”. A week prior, Kanye exposed his “personal trainer” Harley Pasternak as an all-out MK handler. He even posted a threatening text message he received from Pasternak.
“But yes, we do consume each other’s blood on occasion for ritual purposes only. It is used for a reason and it is controlled where it’s like, let’s shed a few drops of blood and each drink it.”Combine Megan Fox’s highly publicized obsession with blood with the countless movies and TV shows revolving around cannibalism from 2022, and you get a clear case of Revelation of the Method. Not long after Meghan Fox admitted to engaging in blood rituals, Hollywood actor Jim Caviezel, who played the role of Jesus in Mel Gibson’s epic Passion of the Christ, admitted that children are being kidnapped and trafficked by Hollywood elites. Caviezel appeared at the Clay Clark’s Health and Freedom Conference near Tulsa, Oklahoma this week and he addressed the issue of child trafficking in Hollywood, revealing that the entertainment industry elite are “raping and murdering” children for adrenochrome. According to Caviezel, who was promoting new movie Sound of Freedom, Hollywood elites are addicted to adrenochrome and “gut kids alive” to get their fix of the drug which is released as a chemical in the body of terrified children. Caviezal is a Hollywood veteran, with leading roles in blockbuster films including Pay It Forward, The Thin Red Line, the Count of Monte Cristo, and Frequency. The man clearly knows his way around Hollywood, which is why it is so impressive that he is coming forward and risking his career – and even his life – to expose the evil at the top of the industry. Social media censorship 2022 was also the year that the media had to shut up and accept that so-called “conspiracy theorists” have been right all along about social media censorship. Months after Elon Musk purchased Twitter and had the time to take a good look under the hood, he admitted that “to be totally frank, almost every conspiracy theory about Twitter turned out to be true” and often “more true than people thought.” Musk was speaking on video following the release of Twitter Files 9, which revealed further details about government censorship at Twitter and other social media platforms. The CIA was among a number of security state agencies, including the State Department and the Pentagon, involved in censorship at Twitter, according to the ninth tranche of Twitter Files released by Elon Musk, via journalist Matt Taibbi. It’s not just so-called conspiracy theories about Twitter and social media that have turned out to be true. In the last few years the narrative pushed by the global elite has collapsed and “conspiracy theorists” have been proven right about a long list of topics.
— Kay Turner (@Kay_turner) December 25, 2022For instance, nearly every conspiracy theory everyone had about Covid turned out to be true. Remember when the lab leak theory was strictly banned on social media? Remember when stating that Covid jabs did not protect against transmission would earn you an instant ban? In 2022, the mainstream narrative has been completely and utterly destroyed.
— RogueWarrior (@LGB_FJB_2022) December 26, 2022Given the collapse of the elite’s narrative, it is no surprise they are escalating their attacks on so-called “conspiracy theorists.” Police departments in New Zealand and Australia have recently demanded citizens snitch on their neighbors if they are talking about “conspiracy theories.” It’s no surprise that both Australia and New Zealand are deeply infiltrated by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. The WEF is on the front lines of the war against “conspiracy theories” that are derailing its plans for global domination. Earlier this year the WEF announced it has recruited hundreds of thousands of “information warriors” to control the internet, policing social media and forums for “misinformation” and conspiracy content which will then be systematically shut down. According to Klaus Schwab’s WEF, misinformation on the internet is an “infodemic” that is “potentially deadly” and requires a “cure.” The definition of misinformation, according to the WEF, is anything they disagree with. This means the information warriors will essentially be engaged in the act of shutting down dissent. The authoritarian policing of the internet, media and social media by the global elite has had disastrous consequences for our freedoms. But there is a positive that we can take away from all of this. The global elite would not be urging citizens to snitch on each other while rolling out massive armies of “information warriors” on the internet if they were not desperately afraid of us. The truth of the matter is that if they did not have anything to hide, they would not need to resort to such dirty tactics. They are losing the argument. They know they cannot take us on and win while engaging in a fair fight. Humanity is waking up and seeing through their evil plans because humanity has no interest in being led by people determined to normalize pedophilia while depopulating the world. Humanity has always been motivated by life, light and love, not darkness, death and destruction. 2022 is the year the elite became desperate and revealed their hand. While the battle will continue to rage for some time, do not lose hope. We are defeating the New World Order. Now their plans are out in the open, it is time that we as humans come together and shape the future that we want. The future is not written in stone and does not belong to them. Watch: Read more at:
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