“She drew an unequivocal comparison: ‘It’s like when Dad was at the front and Mom had to flee with me and my brother.’”
Orel said that Zhvanetskaya is introverted and autistic but added that this is “normal for a highly talented artist.” Orel also mentioned that Zhvanetskaya did not want to take her medication at one point and that this was likely a reason for her legal guardian to call for her to be institutionalized. Zhvanetskaya’s father, who was a doctor, “probably also taught her to weigh the benefits and risks. She has a very conscious approach to the subject and that is probably why she refused the vaccination so staunchly,” Orel said. Another interesting detail about the court order is the fact that it claims Zhvanetskaya’s birthday is on January 20, 1939, even though all other sources say that she was born in 1937. Many lawyers, activists, doctors, and alternative media outlets have come to the defense of Zhvanetskaya and have blasted the action taken by German authorities. “This decision is a gigantic judicial scandal,” lawyer and expert for medical law Beate Bahner wrote in a Telegram post. Professor Martin Haditsch, who was one of Austria’s most famous critics of the COVID-related government measures, said that the forced vaccination represents a violation of the Nuremberg Code, which forbids medical experiments on humans since the COVID injections were not properly tested before being introduced to the market. Zhvanetskaya’s lawyer, Holger Fischer, who appealed the court order, gave an update on his Telegram channel on January 12, saying the district court of Stuttgart granted his urgent application to suspend the compulsory vaccination until the decision on the appeal is made. However, Zhvanetskaya could still be forcefully institutionalized at any point, according to Fischer. The Jewish composer was born in 1937 in Vinnytsia, Ukraine. The city was occupied by Nazi Germany between July 1941 and March 1944. She created numerous works of classical music throughout her career that were played by orchestras around the world. Read more at: LifeSiteNews.comMIT scientist warns that glyphosate is our environment’s most destructive chemical
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