The American approach to transgender medical treatment for children is known as “gender affirmation,” which assumes that gender incongruence can manifest as early as age four and that questioning a minor’s gender self-definition is harmful and unethical. The [AAP] has embraced an affirm-only/affirm-early policy since 2018, and most states abide by its guidance despite withering medical and scientific criticism.The report states that, with some exceptions such as Florida, liberally pro-gender-transition medical procedures continue in the U.S., while "several countries, including the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Finland, have explicitly abandoned it in recent years in part due to fear that medical intervention has become overprescribed (studies show that only 12 percent to 27 percent of cases of childhood gender dysphoria persist into adulthood)." It notes that in a "sharp departure" from America's "gender affirmation" model, "these countries now discourage automatic deference to a child’s self-declarations on the grounds that the risks outweigh the benefits, while also calling for months-long psychotherapy sessions to address co-occurring mental health problems." Walt Heyer, a man who went through the full transsexual "sex change" regimen before rejecting his "trans woman" identity and returning to live again normally as a man, was not surprised by the DNH findings. Heyer told WND that he expects the tide will shift in the United States when "detransitioners" — men and women like him who return to live as their God-given sex — have their influence on the political and cultural environment. "What's happening is they are doing so many people [doctor-supervised 'gender transitions' through extreme surgeries and hormone therapy] that we're going to have an onslaught of detransitioners that will change the whole dynamic," said Heyer, founder of the Sex Change Regret website. "They got slap-happy and did too many people. Now it's going to come back to haunt them." Here is a portion of the comparison of the United States to Sweden, which recently reversed its approach to trans "gender transition" medical procedures performed on youth (emphasis added):
Sweden: "Requires diagnosis of gender dysphoria (DSM-5) and treatment from an interdisciplinary medical team. The key prerequisite for hormonal treatment of youth is the prepubertal onset of gender dysphoria that is long-lasting (a 5-year minimum is mentioned), persists into adolescence, and causes clear suffering." United States: Diagnosis of dysphoria is required for insurance purposes, but an individual paying out of pocket could medically transition without such a diagnosis. A diagnosis is typically, though not exclusively, made by a psychologist or psychiatrist. Testosterone is a controlled substance, so depending on state law there are restrictions on which practitioners can prescribe it. Clinics that use WPATH [the pro-trans-activist World Professional Association for Transgender Health] guidance impose few or no other limitations to receiving hormonal or physical treatment. ... Prescribing gender affirming hormones is well within the scope of a range of medical providers, including primary care physicians, obstetricians-gynecologists, and endocrinologists, advanced practice nurses, and physician assistants. Depending on the practice setting and jurisdiction, other providers with prescriptive rights (naturopathic providers, nurse midwives) may also be appropriate to prescribe and manage this care."Heyer, who lives every day with the bodily "harm" enabled by trans "gender change" ideology, puts a clarifying point on the debate, telling WND, "Nobody yet in world history has actually 'transitioned' from one biological sex to another, and it's never going to happen." Read more at:
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