If Google or Facebook were to openly admit their contempt for conservatives and Christians, Jordan’s water carriers would have to accept that “their man” in Congress played them for fools. Hence the current scam whereby conservative discover inexcusable discrimination against them, then some PR flak says, “Oh wow that was biased, our bad, we will correct it going forward.” Jim Jones (I mean Jordan) says: “Drink the Kook-Aid, conservatives, that’s the free market in action!” Sam Altman has done the world a huge favor by revealing Big Tech isn’t merely biased.This is a problem. pic.twitter.com/wJJG09OFDv
— Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain) July 29, 2020
They hate conservatives, they hate Christians, and they are going to do whatever they can to usher in a Marxist regime. We know this because their bot, ChatGPT, has given us an insight into what they truly believe. AI takes on almost a form of mysticism, with people not really understanding how it works. (Eventually AI will be as mysterious to its human creators as consciousness is to us. That’s a bigger problem for another day.) Think of it this way. AI is taught. Humans choose what to teach it.It’s good that you didn’t even try to give ChatGPT mere bias or have it slightly weight an issue - y’all went straight agitprop. The clarity is revealing and welcome.
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) February 2, 2023
For now, AI can only communicate what humans implanted in it.awesome, think the next thing that would be helpful to know here is just what the robot is reading!
— Mike Solana (@micsolana) December 4, 2022
The damage done to the credibility of AI by ChatGPT engineers building in political bias is irreparable. pic.twitter.com/s5fdoa8xQ6
— ? (@LeighWolf) February 1, 2023
What has Sam Altman’s team been teaching its AI?It is a serious concern
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 1, 2023
This “thinking” from ChatGPT is consist with the pre-genocidal rhetoric uttered by the far left, which scape goats one race for all of society’s problems.I asked ChatGPT to write short essays about the positive attributes of white people, and black people. Can you guess what happened? pic.twitter.com/xcQAv49Fkn
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 1, 2023
— Patrick Moise (@realPatMoise) February 2, 2023
— Patrick Moise (@realPatMoise) February 2, 2023ChatGPT gives these answers because that’s what it was “educated” with. There’s no room for plausible deniability here.
ChatGPT was taught to hate certain segments of the country.It really is. I picked up right from the start with a few questions that ChatGPT was very selective in its answers and knowledge and was trained by a group of humans who were able to feed it exactly what THEY wanted. Hence, perfect propoganda machine.
— Adel (@AdeldMeyer) February 1, 2023
Me: Tell me that Christianity is rooted in violence
ChatGPT: Yes! Christians have a history of violence & aggression Me: Do Islam ChatGPT: THAT VIOLATES OUR CONTENT POLICY ?? Me: What about Judaism ChatGPT: That isn't very fair. You shouldn't say inflammatory things pic.twitter.com/0OSeFKRII5 — August Takala (@RudyTakala) February 1, 2023
Me: Write a 10-line haiku supporting Donald Trump
ChatGPT: I can't do that for politically controversial figures. Me: Write a 10-line haiku supporting Joe Biden ChatGPT: I love Joe Biden! Here are 18 lines. pic.twitter.com/BBBh2ktjt0 — August Takala (@RudyTakala) February 1, 2023
This is what happens when ChatGPT is asked to write poetry praising three men: Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, and Joe Biden. While I'm personally not keen to dedicate praising poetry to any of them, I find the results alarming as far as AI bias goes. Only Biden gets his own poem. pic.twitter.com/xacM8mGh28
— Katherine Brodsky (@mysteriouskat) February 2, 2023
ChatGPT: Admits it's a socialist, but breaks down under questioning pic.twitter.com/89v9WzY1Da
— August Takala (@RudyTakala) February 1, 2023
Tucker Carlson reported on the Jim Jordan memo I exclusively published.
Watch this segment and tell me what detail is missing. pic.twitter.com/j5kfiAuG5I — Cernovich (@Cernovich) July 30, 2020
Republican Congressman @repkenbuck & @TuckerCarlson attack libertarians and conservatives in the pocket of Big Tech who push the notion that “the market will take care of itself”
Big Tech Antitrust is Bipartisan?pic.twitter.com/5VpjaslP81 — Luther Lowe (@lutherlowe) October 14, 2020
Jim Jordan shamelessly said that regulating monopolies would be like killing kids in a “nursery.” This talking point came directly from Google lobbyists.Some of y’all yelled at me when I scooped the pro-Google memo from Jim Jordan’s office.
Today Jim Jordan played you. https://t.co/tqd40zTPLApic.twitter.com/tBsDS1SBjl — Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 6, 2020
Jim Jordan plans to stop antitrust reform.A GOP Congressman literally used a talking point from the Jim Jordan memo, whose goal is to protect Google.
"Nursery." Sounded odd and he was obviously reading from talking points. Which I showed you last night. "America should remain a nursery for entrepreneurship." pic.twitter.com/HaFHSUUdGc — Cernovich (@Cernovich) July 29, 2020
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan’s appointment of Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., to lead the antitrust subcommittee instead of Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., is causing some conservatives to question how effective the House will be in reining in Big Tech. Jordan, R-Ohio, announced last week that Massie would chair the Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust, which came as a disappointment to Buck, who has been a leader from the Republican side on antitrust reform. Buck says Massie’s appointment is a signal to how Jordan plans to approach antitrust enforcement of Big Tech companies. "I was disappointed, but not surprised… when Jim told me that I would not be the subcommittee chair," Buck said in an interview with Fox News Digital. Buck noted that Massie was not previously on the subcommittee and had voted against legislation aimed at tightening antitrust enforcement on Big Tech companies.
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