In December, Putin stated that the share of ruble transactions in Russia’s foreign trade had doubled since the beginning of 2022, and now accounted for one-third of the country’s settlements. He projected that the use of national currencies in place of the US dollar and euro in trade with Russia’s international partners would continue to grow. -RTThe process of de-dollarizing the Russian economy started back in 2014 when Western nations introduced the initial sanctions against Moscow over Crimea’s reunification with Russia. Sanctions imposed since the start of the military operation in Ukraine have sped up the process, particularly after over $300 billion in Russian foreign exchange reserves and other assets were frozen by the US and its allies. Russia Plans To Beat US Sanctions By Stockpiling Gold Russia has always been able to work around U.S. sanctions, and this is not going to be any different. The U.S. seems intent upon starting a war it likely can’t win, and one the public is not at all in favor of in spite of the massive amounts of propaganda being pushed on the slaves living under its ruling class. Read more at:
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