"City Power has an average turn around time of 2 to 3 days for grid repairs. They don't have the manpower, supplies nor funds. And they've already used this year's budget," the thread continued. South Africa is in a state of chaos as the nation grapples with a variety of issues. The economic crisis has led to a rise in unemployment and poverty, while political tensions have caused widespread civil unrest. As if that weren’t enough, South Africa is dealing with a surge in crime, particularly gang violence, and an increase in the number of drug-related deaths. The government has been criticized for its failure to tackle these issues, leaving South Africans feeling increasingly frustrated and hopeless. "We're seeing an increase in coordinated attacks on water, power and comms infrastructure. Looting is no longer just a daily thing, but is also now becoming more structured with guerilla planning involved," the thread continued. "Our roads no longer exist. Anything that is state run is crumbling. Police, fire and hospital resources for the state don't exist and are also slowly disintegrating. "ESKOM - South Africa's only power producer - is averaging 50% or less power output. Plunging massive parts of our country into rolling blackouts," the thread continued, going on to note that the socialism imposed by successive left-wing governments has eroded the country's ability to fend for itself. "Grant recipient's [sic] outnumber tax payers like 10 to 1. (Need to work out that number, but it's definitely up there. They offer nothing to society.. just leaches.)" "The decay in general amazes even me. Roads are shot. Infrastructure is collapsing. Anything that isn't bolted down is stolen, and what is bolted down is grinded off," the Zombieland thread went on. "The cost of living is insane. Fuel is expensive. Medical aid is a luxury that most cannot afford. Food costs are going through the roof. I myself can literally barely pay for new f**king pants. "The SA government now wants to put through EWC and NHI. Expropriation Without Compensation where land is taken from rightful and legal land owners and given to the 'previously disadvantaged.' NHI is some national health thing where you use the government for medical aid." The thread went on to say that the country's armed forces are a shambles as well. "Our Navy, Army and Airforce are done. Troops are buying their own boots...army bases are being looted for copper.. vehicles and machinery are being canabilised for parts," the thread noted. "Our murder rate is higher than the death rate in Ukraine's current conflict. Higher than an active war zone. 100'[s] of rapes a day.. 1000's of kidnappings every month. 90 hijackings a day. Farmers being murdered like flies in the most brutal ways imaginable. "The only form of public transportation that is operational is the taxi industry. Their mafia tactics have ensured that over the years, they're the only ones who will operate. They burn and kill anyone who gets in their way," the thread said. "Our rail is dead. Almost the entirety of South Africa's rail system is non operational." "National cabinet reshuffle coming soon.. doesn't mean f**k all anyway considering they're all ancient and on pension," the account continued, adding that the country's unemployment rate is the "highest in the world" at around 35 percent. The account also noted that there is zero border security. "Sewage. Everywhere. In the streets. In the rivers and oceans.. flowing through our fresh water dams too.. just everywhere." The thread was confirmed by a report in Australia-based News.com. Sources include: ThreadReaderApp.com News.com.au1. South Africa has collapsed. US embassy is now informing international travellers to stock up (prepper style) on food and water. https://t.co/WLfG88D0Uj
— #zombieland (@k9_reaper) February 26, 2023
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