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Educator Peggy Hall blasts plan to release BILLIONS of lab-bred mosquitoes in Hawaii
By kevinhughes // 2023-05-11
Educator and freedom movement leader Peggy Hall has denounced the plan to release billions of lab-bred mosquitoes in Hawaii. A collection of agencies and organizations working under the Birds, Not Mosquitoes partnership, plan to introduce a mosquito birth control into bird habitats to try and stop avian malaria from killing the last remaining populations of four bird species. The birth control method uses male mosquitoes with a strain of a bacterium called Wolbachia that is incompatible with the strain of Wolbachia currently found in wild mosquitoes in Hawaii. When these male mosquitoes mate with females in the forest, the mosquito eggs do not hatch and the mosquito population size drops. However, these lab-bred mosquitoes have not undergone testing to see what their environmental impact will be. Hall expressed concern that they may bring harm to people. The former director of teacher education at the University of California, Irvine said Americans need critical thinking in analyzing the actions that the government is intent on doing. She mentioned that Hawaii Unites, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation and protection of the environment and natural resources, is there to protect the native birds, public health and the land.

Hawaii Unites is challenging the biopesticide mosquito experiment

Hall said Hawaii Unites is raising money for legal representation to challenge this biopesticide mosquito experiment. "Concerned Americans who want to fight government corruption can sign their petition to demand an environmental impact statement for the experimental mosquito release on Maui," she added. The educator also noted that the birds are showing many symptoms that may not be related to avian malaria. "It could be from something else, such as sprays in the air or electromagnetic radiation. Could that also be a possibility? So, it's very difficult to determine exactly why these birds are getting sick and dying. I think it is a noble and worthwhile action to try to save this bird population, but is bringing in and releasing all of these mosquitoes the way to do it?" Hall asked. The government is presenting two extreme choices to the American people: release the mosquitoes or let the birds die. According to Hall, this is called a false dichotomy, especially when there are plenty of other choices, options, actions and results within that continuum. "So that's what's going on with this. It is a false dichotomy. They are presenting this information and they are not allowing for any other alternatives," Hall said. She mentioned that the environmental assessment for the project was available for public review, and that assessment doesn't show a comprehensive study on the project's possible impact. On March 24, the state of Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources voted unanimously to approve the assessment of the biopesticide mosquito experiment on Maui and issued a finding of no significant impact. But the fact remains that no comprehensive study has been done to back up that finding. Around 40 billion experimental mosquitoes will be released every year on Maui and there is no final environmental assessment done. "The project is going to continue for 20 years and activists are saying that this experiment, which has never been done before, could destroy the islands, tourism and a lot more," Hall said. Follow for more news about lab-bred mosquitoes being released in American states. Watch the video below to know more about the lab-bred mosquitoes set to be released in Hawaii. This video is from the What is happening channel on

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