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Glenn Beck: Biden TURNING A BLIND EYE to the situation at the southern border
By kevinhughes // 2023-05-16
President Joe Biden is turning a blind eye on what is really happening at the U.S.-Mexico border, according to political commentator Glenn Beck. Beck voiced out his disappointment during the May 9 edition of "The Glenn Beck Program." He said: "What did you get out of it, President Biden? What deal are you getting? Is it just the destruction of America? Is that what you're doing? Are you so out of touch that you don't even know this is going on? I could go either way." According to Beck, Biden is "in the grips of evil" as "only evil would turn a blind eye to what is happening." He called the chief executive a "pimp" for his role in child trafficking through the border, and a "drug smuggler" for his inaction regarding fentanyl being trafficked by the cartels. Beck remarked that Biden does not know anything about the 85,000 lost children after crossing the border because he does not care about them at all. There is no way that any rational and reasonable human being who cares about America and humanity would sit around and do nothing to stop this crisis. "You want to take your family over the border and rested in the arms of a drug cartel to get you across. What does that cost you? What does that cost? More than money, Mr. President, shame on you. Not only will America pay a heavy price for this. But mark my word, sir, in the eternities you will forever pay," Beck said.

Biden admin also spewing lies about the border situation

The White House claimed that it has cut border crossings by 90 percent. But Beck said this isn't true, playing a video clip to prove his point. The footage taken at El Paso, Texas showed thousands of homeless migrants that line up the city's streets, all the way to houses and buildings there. Co-host Stu Burguiere, who is also the executive producer of "The Glenn Beck Show," said El Paso and other border towns are absolutely being overrun by these problems every year. Following the end of Title 42 on May 11, things are about to get worse. (Related: As end of Title 42 looms, 90,000 illegals rush to America's southern border over 10-day period.) Biden himself said he will send some people to the border – including the National Guard – to show that "he really cares." Beck, however, noted that the people Biden is sending will only help process paperwork for the illegal aliens. He estimated that about 10,000 illegals are crossing the border every day. The conservative commentator ultimately remarked that border towns and states on the southern border are being wiped out, with the Biden administration refusing to care at all. The program host remarked that Americans need to talk about border security and admit what the problem is so it can be fixed. Follow for more news about the influx of immigrants at the southern border. Watch Glenn Beck explain how President Joe Biden's inaction helps the border cartels below. This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on

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