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PLANDEMIC: Study reveals ventilator-acquired pneumonia killed millions – not COVID-19 as governments around the world claimed
By bellecarter // 2023-05-25
A new paper by researchers from Northwestern University in Illinois offered new shreds of evidence that ventilator-acquired pneumonia, and not the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), killed patients as SARS-CoV-2 has a "relatively low mortality rate" compared to other respiratory illnesses. The researchers examined about 600 patients with severe pneumonia and found that the COVID-19 patients who remained intubated longer than other patients, developed secondary bacterial infections more often. "Those extra infections caused many deaths in COVID patients. More patients may have died from the bacterial infections than COVID itself," the researchers concluded. (Related: U.S. doctors admit tens of thousands were killed during the "pandemic" by putting them on ventilators.) The study was published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. Author and former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson wrote in his Substack newsletter that the new finding is particularly troubling because media outlets and hospitals both pressed ventilator use for COVID-19 patients back in 2020. "Doctors often preemptively put patients on ventilators," the Wall Street Journal reported in December of that year. Some medical practitioners disagreed with the early use of ventilators. According to Theodore Iwashyna, a critical-care physician at the University of Michigan and Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals in Ann Arbor, they were intubating sick patients very early and this was not for the patient's benefit. "That felt awful," he said, adding that the equipment can injure lungs by causing too much strain as the machines force in the air. They deliver air and oxygen through a throat tube, which the body typically fights. "We've got gag reflexes that are pretty hard to go away, precisely to avoid things going into our lungs," Iwashyna pointed out.

Corruption marred ventilator distribution at the peak of COVID-19 pandemic

The demand for ventilators soared as COVID-19 cases surged during the height of the pandemic and grants were provided to meet the demand. However, a state audit by the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau released on May 24 faulted the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) for how it awarded grants and ventilators to healthcare providers. The team reviewed documentation for 31 grants totaling $3.2 million that were a part of nearly $160 million in grants that the state agency distributed between the start of the pandemic in March 2020 through June 2022. The money went supposedly to long-term health care and emergency medical service providers who were on the front lines of the pandemic. The audit said 10 grant recipients awarded $518,700 did not submit sufficient documentation to support the amounts requested. Kirsten Johnson, the state health secretary, defended the awards but disagreed with the audit's findings that documentation collected by the DHS from the grant recipients was insufficient to prove need during the COVID-19 crisis. She said agency staff "had significant back and forth communication with providers to ensure we were comfortable with the level of documentation to support funding requests." She also claimed that the money and ventilators were handed out "properly" during a public health emergency with the goal of keeping healthcare providers open and able to provide care to patients. According to the audit, the DHS handled the distribution of more than 1,500 ventilators the department purchased and maintained for nearly $39 million during the first two years of the pandemic. The ventilators went to hospitals, fire and rescue departments and emergency medical service providers. However, six ventilators with a combined value of $122,300 were missing as of January, the audit said. Visit for more news about hospital protocols killing COVID-19 patients. Watch the video below that talks about how ventilators killed nearly all COVID-19 patients.
This video is from Martin Brodel's channel on

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