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New WaPo CEO Patricia Q. Stonesifer attended secret "overpopulation" meeting with Bill Gates, George Soros and Oprah
By ethanh // 2023-06-28
Patricia Q. Stonesifer, the new CEO of The Washington Post, attended a secret meeting of billionaires who converged to discuss "how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world's population." A number of media sources including The Times of London and NBC News confirmed that Stonesifer attended the secret "overpopulation" meeting alongside billionaire eugenicists Bill Gates, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, CNN founder Ted Turner, David Rockefeller Sr., and even media guru Oprah Winfrey – all of these being members of the 2009 conflab known as "the Good Club." The overall sentiment at the secret meeting is that overpopulation is "a priority" that must be dealt with, in one way through the "vaccines" offered by the Gates-run Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, also known as GAVI. Through "better reproductive healthcare," to quote Gates, the global population can remain capped at 8.3 billion – and possibly even decrease if they do a good enough job with "vaccines" and targeted abortion campaigns. (Related: Last summer, WaPo ran a story claiming that LGBT drag queen shows for children are "family-friendly.")

Globalists like Stonesifer want a new world all to their greedy selves

Stonesifer fits into all this in that she used to work with Gates at Microsoft, having helped launch MSNBC during her time there back in the 1990s. Stonesifer also helped found the infamous Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as employed Joe Biden's niece while working as a Microsoft executive. Stonesifer is cut from the same cloth as Gates, in other words, who continues to pour vast sums of money into the likes of the Planned Parenthood Federation, the goal of which is to massively depopulate the world through baby murder. Through his Gates Foundation, Gates has been instrumental in condemning the overthrow of Roe v. Wade last year, this move being a bellwether of how leftists plan to continue responding to the outlawing of abortion in a growing number of states as well as all around the world. All in all, Stonesifer and the other globalists in attendance at the secret meeting have contributed more than $72.5 billion since 1996 not to causes that actually help people, but rather to ones that end people's lives, often discreetly and under different guises. The corporate-controlled media continues to call these people "philanthropists," for instance, even though the only benefactors of their efforts are themselves. These people are genocidal maniacs and murderers, though you will only hear that truth told by the independent media. According to, a New York-based website that discusses issues pertaining to Irish Americans, each "philanthropist" in attendance at the secret meeting was given 15 minutes to talk about "how they saw the future global economic climate, the future priorities for philanthropy, and what they felt the elite group should do." Also in attendance at the secret meeting was Eli Broad, a real estate investor; Julian H. Robertson Jr., a hedge fund manager; and, of course, Stonesifer, the former CEO of the Gates Foundation. "Their goals are Satanic in principle," one commenter wrote about Stonesifer, Gates, and their ilk. "Satan (and probably the demons) were cast into the lake of fire in the 1st century and have been powerless ever since." They might be powerless but these demonic legions are still inspiring Stonesifer, Gates, Soros, and all the rest to do their bidding. And by reading their newspapers, visiting their websites, and supporting their foundations, you, too, are doing their bidding – so don't. The corporate-controlled media is controlled by and infested with genocidal maniacs who want you and your family gone from the planet. Learn more at Sources for this article include: