FLASHBACK: A timeline of Hunter Biden's years of drugs, addiction, dildos, arrests and multi-million dollar deals thanks to daddy
For being a notorious drug and crack addict Hunter Biden has done quite well for himself.
(Article by Jim Hoft republished from
Hunter Biden’s first arrest may have been when he was 18. Hunter was
arrested on Jersey Shore related to drug charges in 1988 and had his record expunged.
Many years later and after several stops into drug treatment facilities Hunter joined his father the Vice President on a trip to China in 2013 where Hunter — inexperienced and out of place — was able
to secure a $1.5 billion from China for private equity fund which he was forming at the time.
A year later in early 2014
Hunter was discharged from the Navy for testing positive for cocaine.
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Then in April 2014, just a couple months later, Hunter Biden Hunter
joined the Board of Burisma Holdings in the Ukraine. Hunter served on the Board until
early 2019. Hunter was paid approximately $50,000 a month in his position.
The largest oil and gas company in the Ukraine hired a chronic drug addict only a few months after the addict was removed from the US Navy for doing cocaine.
In 2016 Hunter Biden returned a rental car with a crack pipe with cocaine residue and a small amount of a white, powdery substance.
A used crack pipe, credit cards, a Delaware Attorney General badge, US Secret Service business cards, two ID’s belonging to Hunter Biden, son of former VP Joe Biden were found in a Hertz rental car in Arizona.
A lab analysis of the crack pipe revealed it was used to smoke cocaine, not meth, however, no fingerprints were found on the pipe.
And surprise, surprise, the County and City Attorney’s offices declined to prosecute Hunter Biden.
Hunter was
never charged with a crime in this incident.
In 2018 Hunter fathered a child with a Washington DC stripper while he
was dating his dead brother’s wife.
In 2018 the
IRS placed a tax lien on Hunter Biden seeking $112,805 in unpaid taxes from 2015.
And according to Page Six, Hunter Biden allegedly
spent time at Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club in New York City in 2018. Hunter allegedly ordered pricey booze, was joined by several strippers in a private room while
he did drugs and had strippers run to find him a dildo.
In 2020 Hunter Biden was
tied to a human trafficking ring with women who appear to be involved in the sex industry, including non-resident alien women in the US who are citizens of Russia or Ukraine.
You won’t see this information in the media because they still working overtime to prop up senile Joe Biden as president.
In 2020
The New York Post released
a photo of Hunter Biden sleeping with a crack pipe in is mouth like a pacifier.

The New York Post had several photos of Hunter yet to be released from his laptop.
These are just a few of the public allegations against Hunter Biden.
After years of drug abuse, there are likely many more episodes not yet public.
Hunter has done quite well for himself despite his addictions thanks to his powerful father.
President Trump was right to call out Hunter Biden at the first presidential debate.
Chris Wallace shut down the discussion.
Trump was right.
And the fact that the liberal mainstream media continues to ignore this massive scandal years later says everything about their integrity and honesty. They have none.
This was first posted before the 2020 election.
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