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Illinois bill would allow NON-AMERICANS to become POLICE OFFICERS in the Prairie State
By ramontomeydw // 2023-07-17
A bill in the state of Illinois would allow individuals who aren't U.S. citizens – including illegal aliens from Mexico and other nations allowed to work in the country – to become police officers. Writing for the New American magazine, Selwyn Duke mentioned that House Bill (HB) 3751 "permits anyone who is not a U.S. citizen but is legally authorized to work in the country under federal law to apply to become a police officer or a sheriff's deputy. Illegals enrolled in the federal government's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program would be qualified to become law enforcement officers under the bill. Duke added that HB 3751, which is currently on the desk of Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, essentially allows "non-citizen immigrants" who already violated American immigration law to become law enforcers in the Prairie State. (Related: Illinois bill would allow illegal aliens to become police officers.) "The Democrat-dominated Illinois House [of Representatives] and [Illinois] Senate passed the bill, leaving Pritzker with the power to either sign it into law or veto it," The Stock Dork (TSD) reported. "While the legislation has been on Pritzker's desk since mid-June, he has yet to make a definitive decision." "The weight of this choice is immense, as it could significantly impact the state's law enforcement landscape. [Moreover], the implications of such a decision are drawing strong reactions from both sides of the immigration debate. [But] even if Pritzker chooses to veto the bill, the Democratic super-majority in the [Illinois General Assembly's] legislative chambers can override his decision – potentially making it a law without his support." According to the bill's proponents, HB 3751 serves as "an inclusive step towards creating a more diverse and representative police force." However, it is not without its critics – the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (ILFOP) among them. "This is a potential crisis of confidence in law enforcement at a time when our officers need all the public confidence they can get," the ILFOP said in a statement. "What message does this legislation send when it allows people who do not have legal status to become the enforcers of our laws?"

Immigration law breakers becoming law enforcers is peak ABSURDITY

According to TSD, Illinois isn't the only state permitting illegals to become police officers. Over on the West Coast, a California law that took effect on Jan. 1, allowed illegals to join law enforcement. Under the new California law, illegals wanting to become cops only need a work permit issued by the federal government – and Washington, D.C., under the Biden administration, has been issuing these permits on a regular basis to border crossers. Duke cited a March 2015 piece of retired New American staffer Warren Mass. In the article, Mass noted that police departments hiring non-Americans to fill up their ranks was like "putting the cart before the horse." He continued: "Many have doubted the wisdom of having non-citizens serve in our military as well, since the national loyalty of someone who has not yet achieved citizenship can be questionable." Duke agreed with Mass. Even the Mexican Constitution stipulates that naturalized citizens may never be police officers under any circumstance, he pointed out. "With authorities having entertained Black Lives Matter-like schemes to 'abolish the police,' demonized cops, used them as scapegoats and unfairly imprisoned them – morale has diminished and many officers have left service," Duke said. "But is filling the ranks with foreigners wise? After all, do you really want to be arrested by someone with a badge and a gun – and a foreign accent? Visit for more stories about illegal aliens being permitted to join police departments. Watch Gary Franchi of Next News Network expounding on a new Illinois law requiring landlords to allow illegals to rent, in the same vein as police departments allowing illegals to become cops. This video is from the NewsClips channel on

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