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MEDIA SENSATIONALISM: Sky News blasted for hinting that heatwave caused car fire in LA
By lauraharris // 2023-07-25
Sky News has come under fire for its sensational reporting about a car fire in Los Angeles amid a "blistering heatwave" sweeping through California. The media outlet tweeted on July 18: "A car went up in flames on a Los Angeles freeway, as California is hit by a blistering heatwave. However, it is not clear if the accident was heat-related." Sky News posted footage of the burning vehicle to accompany its tweet. The post's ambiguity regarding the reason behind the car fire nevertheless drew skepticism from social media users, who questioned the lack of evidence supporting the claim that the heatwave was responsible for the incident. Users blasted the "sensationalist" approach to reporting climate-related events, noting that the media's attempt to link the car fire to the heatwave is indicative of the ongoing issue of sensationalism and propaganda surrounding climate change reporting. It is worth noting that many of the criticisms came from both sides of the "climate change" debate. According to some users, the temperature during the "blistering heatwave" Sky News described was relatively average for July in the City of Angels. Moreover, the car fire that happened on an LA freeway could be attributed to other factors not related to weather conditions. "Its disappointing to see media outlets like Sky News resorting to sensationalism instead of providing factual and evidence-based reporting," one user wrote. "We need responsible journalism, not fear-mongering." Another user wrote: "This kind of reporting only adds to the confusion and skepticism around climate change. Let's focus on the real issues and promote informed discussions instead of spreading baseless narratives."

Media hyping up "climate change" using false reporting

Writing for the Hot Air political blog, commentator Duane Patterson also denounced the "climate change" hysteria in the media. He questioned the journalistic integrity of such reporting, citing the Sky News tweet as an example. (Related: Associated Press caught blatantly lying about global warming with deceptive photo and caption.) Patterson pointed out that the "blistering heatwave" in LA had temperatures ranging between 70 F and 90 F, something "not historically unusual for the region during July." Similar high temperatures had occurred in the past without causing spontaneous car fires, he added. "The correlation without causation factor here is epic," the commentator pointed out. "The car fire happened. It was really super hot outside. Media must point to a possible connection. That's what passes for reporting these days, and if you push back – you’re branded a denier and a hater." Patterson further criticized the media's tendency to amplify climate hysteria, pointing to past instances of grifting and bias. He highlighted how climate alarmism seemed to reach its peak during heatwaves and other extreme weather events, leading to sensational headlines and alarming claims about global temperatures. The issue of climate change has been a divisive topic, with debates raging over the extent of human influence on rising temperatures. Moreover, he argued that the media's obsession with sensational climate change stories diverts attention from real issues, such as wildfires caused by human activities like arson. He emphasized that wildfires in California are often linked to factors like dried vegetation and not solely due to rising temperatures. Watch this video about the climate change hoax.
This video is from the Mckenna channel on

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