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Tornado tears through Pfizer plant in North Carolina, destroying 50,000 pallets of drugs and vaccines
By ethanh // 2023-07-23
A freak storm unexpectedly tore through Rocky Mount, North Carolina, this week, destroying a large Pfizer manufacturing facility along with 50,000 pallets full of pharmaceutical drugs and other Big Pharma products. Local news reports indicated that there were no deaths or injuries at the facility, which saw bright and sunny weather right up until the point when the EF-2 tornado shot down out of the sky and started wrecking the premises. "It went from sunshine to pitch black," said the mayor of a nearby town in Nash County about the shocking turn of events. "We're just thankful there were no lost lives." Check out the footage below to see the damage for yourself: According to meteorologists at WCNC Charlotte, the tornado appears to have traveled some 20 miles near Interstate 95, which runs along the eastern seaboard down through Florida, bringing with it a 2.5-mile wall of debris. "God works in mysterious ways," wrote someone on Twitter, suggesting that this is divine retribution for Pfizer's complicity in the murder of millions of people through Operation Warp Speed. (Related: The Pfizer Files show that Pfizer has been a criminal operation since day one.)

Remember that time a lightning bolt struck a George Floyd mural in Ohio in 2021?

Truth be told, it is one of those what are the odds? moments in life where we have to ask ourselves if the destruction of this Pfizer plant was, in fact, a mysterious act of God. Numerous people on Twitter could not help but notice the similarities between this incident and that time in 2021 when a freak lightning bolt struck a large mural depicting the face of George Floyd that was painted on a wall in Ohio. "Reminds me of when the George Floyd mural got struck by lightning and destroyed," one person wrote about the Pfizer tornado incident. "Is a higher power trying to send us a message?" As of this writing, it is unknown which Pfizer products were destroyed in the tornado disaster. All we know is that the damage was thorough and extensive, which probably means Pfizer will get a large insurance payout from the wreckage. "Just a reminder that God is in charge," someone else wrote about her view of what caused this. "99.9% of the time, tornado damage is horrific," wrote another. "This one is that 0.1% of the time where it's done good." Others speculated that perhaps some new bioweapon just got released from the wreckage and that this was the plan all along for unleashing the next plandemic. "What kind of doomsday virus is escaping from the lab this time?" one asked. "Good question," another responded. "Next lockdown incoming?" Then there is the slim possibility of a government bailout for Pfizer in the event that its business is too damaged by the tornado to continue operating. "This makes me believe the government controls the weather and sent that storm there for a coverup," wrote another, taking a more conspiratorial view of the incident. More related news coverage can be found at Sources for this article include: