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Snowflakes finding that their 'woke' ideology is being rejected, from companies losing tens of billions of dollars to sane college students 'traumatizing' university researchers with mockery on LGBT survey
By newseditors // 2023-07-26
I have seen a number of recent stories that have led me to the conclusion that at least half of Americans have been so brainwashed and programmed into "woke" ideology, that they quite literally cannot tell fact from fiction. (Article by Susan Duclos republished from For example, we hear so much about how "disinformation" should not be considered "free speech," and free speech is a "thorny" issue from the very people that tells us men can be women (disinformation), have periods and babies (disinformation), are not physically stronger than women so should be allowed in women's sports (disinformation), and that there are more than two genders (disinformation). Some call it misinformation, others call it disinformation, but they are both the same thing, and "Democrats are the biggest disinformation peddlers of them all." Why do I point to Democrats? It isn't because I am conservative. It is because you will not find a conservative that thinks a man can be a woman just because he "identifies" as one. You won't find a conservative saying women "don't own" periods and womanhood." You certainly won't find a conservative that looks at the picture above, or the video below, and thinks, "oh how pretty, I am going to run right out and buy some Maybelline lipstick!!!!" Below is just one of the many Maybelline Instagram ads using bearded men. Not only has Maybelline ignored the tens of billions of dollars other companies, such as Anheuser Busch, lost by trying to replace women with men pretending to be women in their advertising, but they now think that appealing to less than 1% of the population, while alienating the people who wear makeup the most, is somehow a good idea. Which brings me to a story I shared in the comment section on Sunday, but which truly requires its own space because it gets to the heart of the battle between good and evil that we are facing in America today. Read more at: