Self-healing killing machines to be unleashed upon the masses no longer 'beyond science fiction' as these techno-beasts of the future prove humanity is funding its own annihilation
While the title alone of
this story over at the Daily Mail from a couple of days ago sounds crazy enough in describing our current reality,
"Indestructible Terminator-style killer robots move one step closer to reality as scientists discover self-healing metals," as
Steve Quayle had mentioned in an SQNote while linking to that story on his website, in so doing,
(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from
With that DM story reporting something that actually sounds like its '
beyond science fiction,' that scientists have witnessed metals '
healing' without any kind of
'human intervention,' keep THAT story in mind when you read
this new story over at Breitbart titled
"Transhumanist Down Under: Australian Government Funds Scientists Merging AI With Brain Cells," as well as
this new story over at Futurism also reporting upon that team of scientific researchers in Australia who've just gotten a $600,000 grant to
study ways of merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence.
Sounding like something many once believed we'd never witness in our lifetimes, as the
Breitbart story pointed out, they've
already been successful in their endeavors, having enjoyed success last year for
“teaching” a cluster of brain cells in a Petri dish to play the video game Pong.
With Breitbart also reporting within that story that their key goal is to
merge biology with AI, something that could forge new frontiers for machine learning tech for self-driving cars, autonomous drones, or delivery robots, please keep all of those stories in mind when you think about what Hollywood Director
James Cameron recently RE-warned us all, that '
the weaponization of A.I.' was no doubt the biggest danger that our society faces, with Cameron originally warning us about those dangers all the way back in 1984.
Because with Hollywood and the globalists now pushing to use A.I. to
'write movie scripts,' and Cameron claiming he seriously doubts A.I. will be able to do a good job doing so, the fact that Cameron is the creator of the '
Terminator film franchise' speaks volumes, with the original '
Terminator' movie coming out in 1984. Briefly,
from this Daily Mail story before we continue.:
After stating he was not concerned about AI taking over his job, Cameron expressed concern that the it will lead to a nuclear holocaust. 'I think the weaponization of AI is the biggest danger,' he told viewers.
'I think that we will get into the equivalent of a nuclear arms race with AI, and if we don’t build it, the other guys are for sure going to build it, and so then it’ll escalate.'
'You could imagine an AI in a combat theatre, the whole thing just being fought by the computers at a speed humans can no longer intercede, and you have no ability to deescalate,' he continued.
Referencing his film, The Terminator, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, the screenwriter said: 'I warned you guys in 1984... and you didn’t listen.'
The Terminator followed a human soldier, sent from 2029, to '1984 to stop an almost indestructible cyborg killing machine, sent from the same year, which has been programmed to execute a young woman whose unborn son is the key to humanity's future salvation,' according to IMBD.
In a similar sentiment about AI, Schwarzenegger warned the public that The Terminator has ‘become a reality.'
'Today, everyone is frightened of it, of where this is gonna go,' the actor, 75, said. 'And in this movie, in Terminator, we talk about the machines becoming self-aware and they take over. Now, over the course of decades, it has become a reality.'
'...So it’s not any more fantasy or kind of futuristic. It is here today. And so this is the extraordinary writing of Jim Cameron,' he added.

And as this
new story over at the website Caldron Pool points out, '
The Terminator' is not the only movie over the last several decades that warned us of the direction we were rapidly heading.
"The Rise of the Machines: We Do Not Want a Post-Human Future," it's not too difficult to see where humanity is being herded with the globalists now endlessly pushing not only '
self healing metals' but the merging of human brain cells with '
artificial intelligence,' showing us just how close were now are to '
indestructible cyborg killing machines,' with '
The Terminator' also hinting '
time traveling' will be readily available to the '
global elite' by the year 2029, and that society by then will be a dystopian mess.
With '
The Terminator' not only having no feelings, not feeling any pain or remorse or fear, as well as not needing to sleep and having no plans of stopping its mission until it kills the completely unsuspecting '
Sarah Conner' and her unborn son, the last hope of humanity, as we had reported on ANP back
on July 13th in this story titled
"Angry Robots: The Whole 'Humans Create Hyper-Realistic Robots And Then Get Enslaved And Killed Off By Them' Cinematic Motif Is Playing Out In Real Life With Staggering Precision", the globalists are already '
grooming' AI power robots to take the place of human beings in the work force, '
monsters' that can work 24 hours a day, don't need to be paid wages or salaries or given health care, vacation time or be represented by '
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