Apparently, 100% of the profits from the set were donated to the Trevor Project which is a LGBTQ group that promotes gender transition surgeries for minors. In the video promotion, Pearson is spotted with her wife of four years (full transparency, the wife is lesbian because she is dating a woman that looks like a man). The video shows Pearson shaving her face and the text on the screen read “Celebrating my first pride with facial hair.” Pearson is also shirtless and her scars from her mastectomy are very obviously present. Another caption in the video read, “Growing up I was always envious of boys going through puberty, getting facial hair and learning how to shave,” and one more read, “I love growing a beard and maintaining it! Having facial hair and a grooming routine is the most gender-affirming thing to me.” My cringe radar is currently off the charts. It’s really strange that Harry’s would select a woman to promote its products that are specifically designed for men, especially when Harry's owns a woman's shaving brand, but, based on previous statements from the company, it’s not that surprising. Following the tweet from End Wokeness about Pearson, the account tweeted about what the Harry’s CEO once said.Harry’s Razors partnered with a “trans man” (female) to promote their razor set
100% of the profits from this set go to the Trevor Project, which promotes gender surgeries for minors — End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 6, 2023
No wonder why they selected a woman to promote a man’s razor! Amid the circulation of the tweet, numerous conservative or just level-headed people tweeted their distaste with the company's move and Pearson in general.Here is the CEO of Harry’s Razors
He calls dads “non-birthing parents” and moms “birthing parents” He says the company is “socially-minded” — End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 6, 2023
You take hormones to grow facial hair, then shave the facial hair.
— Jacques Alejandro (@jockohomo_lives) August 6, 2023
HARRY’S RAZORS: “hey, hold my budlight, while I raise my ESG score by getting kids to transition.”
— John Osterman (@JohnXOsterman) August 6, 2023
Harry’s glamorizes self-mutilation in an effort to sell razors. If you still buy products from this company this is what you are directly supporting. We’ve taken down Bud Light. Now it’s Harry’s turn.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) August 6, 2023
Takes a little more than cutting your tits off and growing a beard to be a man. A pair of testicles really helps
— Danger Bear - not far right, but right so far. (@BH53476328) August 7, 2023
Some even called for a boycott of the brand like people did for Bud Light and Target when they prioritized agenda pushing.I’ve literally got Harry’s products in my bathroom, in the bin they go!
— astromarkc.eth (@astromarkc1) August 6, 2023
When will these companies learn? Bud light, Target, and now Harry’s triples down on their woke agenda. Go woke, go broke. Take a stand and switch to Jeremy’s Razors now at
— Jeremy’s Razors (@JeremysRazors) August 6, 2023
That's crazy, well just another product not to buy.
— Ashko18 (@Ash_ko18) August 6, 2023
Harry’s Razors partnered with a “trans man” (FEMALE) to promote their razor set?!?! ??
Allegedly, 100% of the profits from this set go to the Trevor Project, which promotes gender surgeries for minors???? STOP GIVING YOUR MONEY TO THESE HORRIBLE COMPANIES!!!! END THIS… — Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) August 7, 2023
Hey, it’s nice to see people recognize this mental delusion for exactly what it is, a mental delusion. Harry’s made a poor marketing decision and it's likely their sales are going to flop. Time will tell how long that takes but it seems like the left still doesn’t understand: get woke, go broke! Read more at: MRCTV.orgAnd another company to add to the boycott list.
— mercenaryx☯️✝️? (@mercenaryx21) August 6, 2023
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