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US border crisis persists: Thousands of migrants continue to cross daily despite the summer heat
By arseniotoledo // 2023-08-09
The United States' border crisis is still ongoing, and recent data shows that crossing along the border with Mexico actually increased despite the summer heat. U.S. Border Patrol agents stationed in the Tucson sector, which covers most of Arizona's border with Mexico and parts of the Sonoran Desert, have reported a large number of migrants arriving daily. On some days, the number of new illegals soars to 1,900 – an increase of 134 percent from an average of 812 daily new migrants in June. Despite temperatures in most areas of Arizona's desert sometimes surpassing 110 degrees each day, illegal immigrants, including families with young children, are still traversing the desert in large groups. On many occasions, Border Patrol agents note that large groups are accompanied by smugglers. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirmed that it is seeing a "significant increase" in migrant crossings along the Arizona desert region. The agency even added that due to the "large number of migrants" at one of its facilities in Lukeville, it has been forced to hold some migrants in swelteringly hot temporary facilities in Ajo, a desert town. "This is a very serious issue. This is beyond – it's not a regional issue. Our country is under attack," commented Dr. Jane Ruby, adding that shanty towns featuring dozens and hundreds of people are popping up just several feet into the American side of the Rio Grande River, which separates the United States and Mexico. "Your government's doing this. Our government is doing this." (Related: Right Now with Ann Vandersteel: Whistleblower Tara Rodas says U.S. serves as the middleman in cross-border CHILD TRAFFICKING – Brighteon.TV.)

Migrants from all corners of the globe attempting to cross into America

Just opposite the border in the city of El Paso, Texas, over 1,000 illegals attempted to cross from the northern Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez on Tuesday, Aug. 8, after they heard rumors spread through social media and word-of-mouth that the U.S. would allow entry to one mass group. The 1,000 migrants, many of whom have been waiting weeks to secure appointments to request asylum using the CBP One mobile app, waited the entire day as CBP officials uncoiled more razor wire across the railway gate and as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott continued efforts to set up river barriers along Rio Grande. "You can just see how many people want to pass … for our families, for our future," claimed Venezuelan migrant Johan Ramirez. "We've spent many days here. Our money is running out, we're sleeping in the streets." In Border Patrol's Yuma sector in Arizona, officials confirmed that migrant crossing levels have not returned to the record levels seen in the previous years. But they did note that the groups of migrant families are now coming from more diverse corners of the globe. Families from Colombia and Venezuela in South America are still the most common, but Border Patrol officials are also now seeing more families from Senegal and Mauritania in West Africa and even families from China. The families who are able to cross the border illegally end up having to deal with the 110- to 120-degree heat the desert is seeing every single day which is already causing deaths. "Our area here has already seen a number of deaths," said Fernando Quiroz, the founder of the AZ-CA Humanitarian Coalition and who distributes food and water in the busiest crossing sites near Yuma. "We saw a mother that perished a couple of weeks ago, not far from where I'm standing." In the 2022 fiscal year, Border Patrol recorded 853 migrant deaths, a record high that eclipsed the previous all-time high of 546 in the 2021 fiscal year. During the first nine months of the current fiscal year, Border Patrol has already reported at least 330 migrant deaths. "People perish seeking the American dream," lamented Quiroz. Learn more about the crisis unfolding along the southern border at Watch this episode of "Coffee Chat" with Dr. Jane Ruby as she discusses the ongoing invasion occurring along the southern border. This video is from the Dr. Jane Ruby Show channel on

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