When evil, corrupt govt gets caught carrying out a coup as the 'Biden crime cabal' has, they become exceptionally dangerous and unhinged as they know the penalty for their crimes
In an
excellent comment by ANP reader 'Jay' on this August 5th
ANP story titled
"This Is How Biden, The CIA And The Communists Carried Out The Coup On November 3rd And 4th Of 2020 That Should See Them All On Death Row NOW, Awaiting Trials & Executions," 'Jay' perfectly explained what we're witnessing in America now, with an illegitimate POTUS in office who got there via election coup.:
(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from
When a coup does in fact occur due to a stolen election, outright military in the streets, a banking crisis, or any other form that it may take, those who are responsible for attempting it become particularly dangerous because they know the penalty for their actions when they are caught. It’s all or nothing for them at that point.
They are not only willing to kill individual members of the population they attempted to overthrow, but such politicians will actually resort to killing individuals and groups of individuals within the very agencies that helped carry out the coup and thus know too much about the operation and who could expose or testify against them when caught.
It becomes a very dangerous life with numerous unexplained deaths across the board.
With Americans witnessing this kind of thing over and over and over again for at least the past 60 years+, from
the CIA murdering President John F. Kennedy and getting away with it for nearly 60 years now, to all of the seemingly endless
'unexplained deaths' surrounding the
'Clinton crime family,' with the
'Clinton body count' numbering astronomically high, while
many mysterious and unexplained deaths have already surrounded both war criminal's Obama and Biden, sometimes we can find a perfect
'metaphor' in '
art' for what's happening in '
reality,' and Susan Duclos and I are now watching one such show.
With the TV series we're now watching titled
"Joe Pickett," the story of a '
stumbling, bumbling' new game warden who comes into a small Wyoming town and stumbles across the mysterious murder of a small-town criminal, with that man dying in Joe Pickett's backyard, upon his wood pile, that murder turns out being
just the tip of the iceberg of a web of political corruption that embroils a huge part of the town, including politicians, law enforcement and even
'corrupt feds.'

Still think that America under joe biden and the
'uni-party' we have in office now ISN'T CORRUPT? As we see in the image above of a Gallup poll evaluating government corruption in 2022, America under biden and the devil-crats is EQUAL WITH MEXICO, with 74% believing this government of ours is corrupt, higher than South Korea, Turkey, Austria, Germany, Canada, Denmark and more.
Great job, joe! You and your co-conspirators have turned America into a criminal and corrupt laughing stock of the world!
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With that '
web of corruption' in the show creating a '
conspiracy of silence' amongst all the criminals (including some of the members of law enforcement and politicians,) a large number of them throughout the show also end up mysteriously dead, killed by their co-conspirators to keep their crimes silent.
An absolutely perfect metaphor for what we're now witnessing in America, with
a 'conspiracy of silence' among genocidal politicians who've been carrying out the mass murders of Americans; the
mainstream media covering up those mass murders of Americans and people throughout the world; and a so-called '
Department of Justice' that has quite literally dropped a nuclear bomb upon their own credibility among the American people by attacking their political enemies, take note that in the story, corrupt politicians and so-called '
law enforcement' who are carrying out crimes upon the people, with the protection of '
the law,' become very '
fair game' themselves. And they eventually end up being rightfully hunted down and '
held accountable' for their crimes upon the people, crimes including murder, which they conspired to keep silent and thought they could do so just because they
'wore a uniform.'
With Thomas Jefferson and America's Founding Fathers fully understanding that at some point in time, a so-called '
government' has a strong tendency to forget about '
serving' its' masters, the American people, and would surely turn against them, they
made sure to emphasize the 2nd Amendment as one of the key rights that the American people held, so that any such '
terrorist government' carrying out massive crimes could be held accountable and NOT be allowed to impose tyranny upon '
The People'.
Yet as we pointed out earlier today in
this ANP story titled
"Bombshell PROOF America Became A Totalitarian Regime While Americans Were Poisoned And Sleeping: The Common Traits Of Authoritarian Regimes With Modern Day America Are Stunning," we've witnessed exactly that going on for decades here in the USA, a literal '
banana republic' set up with our political leaders '
installed,' a propaganda media apparatus spreading nothing but endless lies, political enemies of '
the regime' hunted down and silenced, and mysterious deaths surrounding '
the regime' all across the board.
Just as '
Jay' had warned in his excellent comment, we're now witnessing the '
coup plotters,' who know a growing majority of the American people no longer believe their endless lies, becoming exceptionally dangerous and fully unhinged because they KNOW in their brainless heads
the penalty for their crimes should be their own executions.
With another perfect metaphor for reality in that series being a man named '
Nate Romanowski,' who has been demonized by the '
coup plotters' as a murderer, even allegedly responsible for killing two '
federal agents,' we eventually learn that '
Nate' was instead a loyal servant to the country, who upon rejecting an illegal order from his government, returns home to find that the government had murdered his wife and had plans to kill him, too, because he knew too much about that terrorist govts illegal escapades.
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