CANTAR POR LIBERDADE?❤️?? pic.twitter.com/j955jsTc5S — Aryana Wherley (@AryanaWherley) August 17, 2023
The “Brazilian Joe Rogan,” Bruno “Monark” Aiub, was suspended on all social media profiles and fined $75,000 by rogue leftist Judge Alexandre de Moraes, as Gateway Pundit reported. Journalist Allan Frutuoso was arrested July 26 trying to board a flight to Argentina for the crime of protesting at the Federal Police headquarters in Brasilia on 12/12/2022, after the arrest of Chief Serere. Yesterday, Aug. 17 at 7:00 a.m., Judge De Moraes sent his private jackbooted Federal Police goon squad to arrest 10 conservatives, 2 of whom managed to escape and are now in hiding: Rodrigo Lima de Araujo e Silva, Tiago Bezerra Lima e Silva, Dirley País, Isaac Ilis Soares Ferreira, Fernanda Rodrigues Oliveira, Juliana Gonçalves Lopes, Juliano da Silva Martins, and Alexandre Eufrásio were all arrested by De Moraes’ fascist storm troopers. José Renato Gasperine Junior and Lucas yiuk de Melo managed to escape and are currently in hiding. Monark is in exile in Miami. Now it is up to “Western” social media companies to decide whether they will go along with the fascist assault on free speech. On Thursday, de-facto fascist dictator De Moraes also authorized his Federal Police to search former President Jair and First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro’s tax and bank accounts. The Biden Regime “fully supports” the Brazilian coup, State Department shill Ned Price said in January. White House Resident Joe Biden held a virtual meeting with Socialist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Aug. 16, promising the communist criminal $500 million US taxpayer dollars to prop up his dictatorship as the economy collapses. The Blinken State Department were too rock stupid to realize South American Communists all support China and Russia, not the USA. They’ll take our money though.Que absurdo! Ela cantava em frente os quartéis. Isso é crime? Cantora gospel Fernanda Ôliver é presa em Goiânia em operação da PF que mira os patriotas do 8/1
Ôliver fez “sucesso” nos acampamentos ao gravar uma música que ficou conhecida como o “hino das manifestações” Que por… pic.twitter.com/V5yVbkGKOC — RoBolsonaro3 (@RBolsonaro3) August 17, 2023
Gay leftist journalist Glenn Greenwald contributed to getting convicted criminal Lula da Silva freed from prison 2018 for the Obama-tied billion-dollar Lavo Jato corruption scandal. Now Greenwald, who lives in Brazil, has realized the danger the Communist government of Lula da Silva poses to journalists like him. “Brazil is the test case to see how far they can go with their censorship,” Greenwald said this week.After flexing their muscles in showing they could have Big Tech silence any voice or destroy any platform that displeases them, Dems now cheer CIA, DHS and FBI's censorship pressures.
Self-proclaimed "anti-fascists" unite state and corporate power to censor as their key weapon. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) August 17, 2023
You did this, Glenn. And you’re next. Start packing. Read more at: TheGatewayPundit.comThe centerpiece of American liberalism is to plead with and coerce leading corporate power centers -- particularly their allies in Big Tech and corporate media -- to silence and banishes voices that dissent from their politics.
Prioritize platforms devoted to resisting this: https://t.co/8uMSliwaO3 — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) August 17, 2023
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