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U.S. military whistleblower who first uncovered Pentagon evidence showing COVID "vaccines" cause myocarditis SPEAKS OUT about massive increase in SUICIDES
By ethanh // 2023-08-30
In addition to triggering a massive wave of new myocarditis cases, the United States military's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine" mandate also led to a substantial rise in cases of attempted suicide and other forms of violence. This is the claim of Lt. Ted Macie, the military whistleblower who previously blew the whistle about how the medical database run by the Pentagon (Pentagram) shows that rates of cardiovascular disease went through the roof following the Trump administration's launch of Operation Warp Speed. Lt. Macie, an active-duty Navy Medical Service Corps officer, recently came forward to reveal that compared to the average from 2016 through 2021, cases of accidents, assaults, self-harm, and suicide attempts have risen so massively that it is criminal for the government to keep a lid on it. Cases of self-harm among service members rose 147 percent after the U.S. government started forcing them get injected. Injuries from assaults also rose by a whopping 828 percent. (Related: Remember when the Pentagon lifted its covid jab mandate after it had already forced just about every service member to get injected?)

Pentagon IGNORES letter from Senate Subcommittee on Investigations concerning COVID jab health destruction in military

Lt. Macie says he first began "keeping an eye on" the Pentagon's medical database, known officially as the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), after another whistleblower warned him that there was a major uptick in health-related incidents in the winter of both 2021 and 2022. Like private medicine, the DMED utilizes the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes to log medical incidents. In the military's case, it uses ICD codes in the DMED to mark whenever a servicemember sees a military or civilian health care provider either on- or off-base. The DMED system does not, it is important to note, log any personally identifiable information about servicemembers' whose conditions are reported to it. Back in January, Lt. Macie and his wife traveled to Washington with a report showing that, based on DMED data, myocarditis cases in 2021 had jumped 130.5 percent compared to the average from years 2016 through 2020. U.S. officials have confirmed that all four of the COVID "vaccines" currently authorized for use in the U.S. cause myocarditis. The same data shows that diagnoses of pulmonary embolism are up 41.2 percent; blood clots in the lungs and ovarian dysfunction are up 38.2 percent; and "complications and ill-defined descriptions of heart disease" are up 37.7 percent. In 2022, certain other whistleblowers likewise reported disturbing spikes in disease rates right after the launch of Operation Warp Speed. The Pentagon's response to their claims is that the data is incorrect because it somehow became "corrupt." After the Pentagon "fixed" the data, Lt. Macie and numerous others pointed out that rates of disease and death are still noticeably higher in the military after the jab mandates occurred compared to before. Fortunately for Lt. Macie, he remains the only active-duty member at his command who did not get jabbed for COVID. He is actively suing Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and service members continue to approach him in confidence to disclose their jab-related adverse reactions. "These anecdotal, but compelling personal injuries, were a motivator to get things on the right track," Lt. Macie says. Members of the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations, led by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), confirmed the findings of Lt. Macie's report before sending a letter to Sec. Austin asking the Pentagon to either confirm or deny – the Pentagon ignored that letter. "In the event our suspicions were correct, I kept additional data to reveal as soon as the data we brought [to Washington] was confirmed, or after being ignored for some time," Lt. Macie said, indicating that he expected the Pentagon to not respond. The latest news about the next round of COVID the government has planned can be found at Sources for this article include: