That’s the crux of the matter: many of these Texas “Republicans” aren’t true conservatives. They’re members of the “uni-party” that’s united against we the people. This is the group leading the charge against Paxton. And now we’ve identified the main force behind the impeachment — and it shouldn’t surprise anyone. It’s the Bush family, specifically George P. Bush. The guy who pretended to like Trump. Remember him?Ken Paxton Impeachment Trial Update:
Day 1: No evidence of any offenses. Day 2: No evidence of any offenses. Day 3: No evidence of any offenses. Day 4: No evidence of any offenses. — Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) September 9, 2023
The ultimate companion vid to the Ken Paxton impeachment: 2 weeks ago, I covered how the Bush family CIA oil intelligence mafia wants to kill MAGA to keep its energy cartel across the American Empire Now we learn George P Bush was behind Paxton’s ousterWatch:
Mike goes on to say:The ultimate companion vid to the Ken Paxton impeachment:
2 weeks ago, I covered how the Bush family CIA oil intelligence mafia wants to kill MAGA to keep its energy cartel across the American Empire Now we learn George P Bush was behind Paxton's ouster — Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) September 8, 2023
You can basically think of DC politics, pre-2016, as being the Yale wing of the CIA vs the Texas A&M wing of the CIA When Trump took over the GOP, the Texas A&M wing jumped over to the Yale side: 1. To save its ass politically 2. To save its investments financiallyMore:
Mike also shared a link from this Forbes article, saying:You can’t fully understand the GOP civil war, the Ukraine-Russia war, or even the contemporary culture wars without understanding the geopolitics of West Texas.
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) August 25, 2023
West Texas now producing more oil & gas than Saudi Arabia & Russia… That means more export markets for Texas Oil & Gas if DOD, State & CIA can create captive markets abroad. This is Bush/Cheney wing of GOP’s vision.Forbes:
The Permian Basin Is Now The World’s Top Oil Producer […] So, we can reasonably conclude that right now — regardless of the reason — the Permian Basin has overtaken Ghawar as the world’s top oil-producer. That may not last if Saudi is constraining production in Ghawar, or if Permian production slows down anytime soon. But it marks the first time in decades that Ghawar wasn’t the top-producing oil field in the world.Benz also shared this YouTube video, saying, “Again, relevance is that Trump/RFK style populism is currently toothless against the state-backed mafia power wielded by the Yankees (Soros–bred democrats) & Cowboys (McCain-bred republicans)”: Mike delves into even greater detail in this eye-opening thread on X, going so far as to trace these developments back to the Iran-Contra affair. You can read the full story here. Read more at:
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