His social media post was replied to by a user with a handle name @SonofSeals saying that this initiative should be given a chance. "Sam, it is worth the study. In particular, where the market refuses to show up, and if it does, it doesn't do a good job. And to note, it won't just be just grocery stores, but other markets as well. If you have ideas, please do share." Sanchez replied in the thread with a disclaimer saying that his opinion is not a criticism of the mayor and that he even gives Johnson credit for the concern he has for serving communities. However, he emphasized that the government should not be part of free enterprise. It actually needs to create tools for free enterprise, he added. But @SonofSeals replied again with, "Free enterprise isn't totally free, though. Tax breaks are a subsidy as well." The restaurant owner also responded: "Agree, those are the tools the government uses to attract investments. You have cities and States competing for the best companies. Grocery stores and pharmacies need to be guaranteed security and a break-even opportunity. The city can cover the loss and we can serve the people." He added that it would be better to have a company with experience running the stores with minimum risk than government-owned stores. "I'm all in helping underserved communities," was his last statement that ended the particular thread in the tweet. Check out Grocery.news to read more stories similar to this.Nobel intention but not a good idea. This groceries stores will be operating in the red and loosing tax payers money. Control crime and business will come. https://t.co/hWi5jitCto
— Sam Sanchez (@samsamco) September 13, 2023
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