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94% of nearly 325,000 new S&P 100 jobs following BLM protests went to NON-WHITES, study finds
By ethanh // 2023-09-28
Ever since Black Lives Matters (BLM) terrorists roved the nation robbing and looting retail stores and burning down cities, hundreds of thousands of "people of color" have been given the vast majority of all new jobs created in the S&P 100 post-George Floyd. According to reports, corporate America responded to BLM's anti-white demands by filling a whopping 94 percent of all new jobs at companies with 100 or more employees with blacks and other non-white people – the remaining six percent of jobs went to whites. Every year, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission requires companies on the S&P 100 to report their workforce demographics. Bloomberg obtained both 2020 and 2021 data for 88 different S&P 100 companies and used this to calculate overall job growth at these firms between then and now. In 2021, the S&P 100 workforce added 323,094 new jobs to its ranks, the vast majority of which went to blacks and other non-white people. "The overall job growth included 20,524 White workers," Bloomberg reported. "The other 302,570 jobs – or 94% of the headcount increase – went to people of color." (Related: Check out the Health Ranger's warning from back in 2020 about how Americans need to pray for redemption from the BLM onslaught.)

Corporate America is openly RACIST against white people, thanks in large part to BLM

Even though white people still comprise a majority of the U.S. population, they are represented in the S&P 100 at just six percent. Blacks, meanwhile, currently hold 23 percent of all S&P 100 jobs, topped only by Hispanics who hold 40 percent. "Other races" hold eight percent of S&P 100 jobs while Asians occupy 22 percent. In other words, whites have been forced to the back of the corporate bus in the name of "equality." The company with the most dramatic workforce shift since George Floyd and BLM is Nike, which actively removed whites from its workforce and replaced them with blacks and other non-whites. Telecommunications giant British Telecom also fired white employees en masse with the intention of replacing them all with non-whites in order to "boost diversity," according to its CEO, Kelvin MacKenzie, who was able to pocket a cool £220,000 bonus for hitting his anti-white "diversity targets." It has also come out that after Elon Musk bought Twitter in 2022, existing executives told him to fire all the white employees in order to avoid potential legal problems and to advance "diversity" at the social media giant. A pattern quickly emerges from all this to show that "diversity" is just a dog whistle for anti-white racism, as are terms like "equity" and "equality." Whenever you hear the establishment talking about things like "fairness," this usually also entails denigrating whites and forcing them to the back of the societal bus. Amazingly, the Department of Justice (DOJ) actually sued Musk for choosing to hire Americans at Twitter rather than "refugees" and "asylum seekers." Walmart, Coca-Cola, and AT&T are three additional corporations that have been completely infiltrated with anti-white globalists who are training their employees that "white is not right," or to "try to be less white." AT&T flat-out told its white employees and white people in general that "you are the problem." The good news for whites is that a legal precedent has already been set as far as successfully suing corporations over their anti-white policies. Multiple white people have won massive settlements in recent years after they were fired due to anti-white discrimination – and if you are a white person who has experienced similar discrimination based on your skin color, you might want to pursue the same. White people are fast becoming a minority in the United States – and they already are a minority in the world at large. Learn more at Sources for this article include: