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Texas deploys MORE BUSES to transport ILLEGAL ALIENS to already-strained sanctuary cities
By ramontomeydw // 2023-09-27
Texas has deployed additional buses to two more border towns for the purpose of transporting illegal aliens from the state to blue sanctuary cities. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced on Sept. 22 that he has directed the Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM) to deploy more buses to the cities of Eagle Pass and El Paso. The two new pick-up points for migrant buses are in addition to the ongoing operations in the cities of Brownsville, Del Rio, Laredo and McAllen. "President [Joe] Biden's continued refusal to secure our border allows thousands of people to illegally cross into Texas and our country every day, the governor said. "Until [the chief executive] upholds his constitutional duty to secure America's southern border, Texas will continue to deploy as many buses as needed to relieve the strain caused by the surge of illegal crossings." Abbott also noted that the move provides "much-needed relief" to Texas communities "overwhelmed and overrun" by the border crisis. It also followed complaints from the mayors of the two new stops for the migrant buses. Incidentally, both mayors are Democratic. Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas Jr. said more than 6,000 illegals have entered his city in just two days. He added that thousands more are expected to cross through Eagle Pass, with a population of only around 28,000, in the coming days. Meanwhile. El Paso City has seen a recent wave of illegals – amounting to more than 2,000 individuals per day. Just six weeks prior, the city was seeing only a trickle of about 350 to 400 people entering illegally. Because of this, El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser said shelter capacity and other resources in the city are being strained to "a breaking point." "I think it's really important to note that we have a broken immigration system," Leeser said on Sept. 23. "It's the same thing over and over again."

NY Gov. Hochul complains about bused migrants

Citing an eyewitness, the New York Post said three buses carrying three dozen illegal immigrants left Eagle Pass on Sept. 22. The three buses were headed toward New York City (NYC) while a fourth bus left the border town for Chicago. The prospect of the Empire State being inundated with illegal immigrants did not sit well with New York Gov. Kathy Hochul. She called on would-be border crossers to "go somewhere else" instead of the Big Apple. "The smarter thing [to do] is to apply for asylum before you leave your country," Hochul said during a Sept. 21 interview with the fake news network. "We have to let the word out that when you come to [NYC], you're not going to have more hotel rooms. We don't have capacity, so we have to also message properly." A day earlier, the New York governor denounced the influx of illegals being bused by red states to blue sanctuary cities. "Never was it envisioned that this would be an unlimited universal right or obligation on the city to have to house literally [the] entire world," she said during a Sept. 20 press conference. "We want to make sure that no families end up on the streets. We don't want anything to happen to our children, but we also have to let the world know that there have to be limits to this." (Related: Eric Adams calls Texas, Arizona Govs. 'cowards' for sending migrants to DC, says schools, healthcare 'going to be impacted.') However, the office of the Texas governor mocked Hochul's complaints over the influx of illegals, zooming in on her "astounding hypocrisy." "With millions of residents, [NYC] is only dealing with a fraction of what our small border communities deal with on a day-to-day basis," said Andrew Mahaleris, the spokesperson for Abbott's office, in a statement. "Instead of complaining about 14,000 migrants being bused to NYC from Texas, Hochul should be calling out her party leader, President Biden, who has been flying plane loads of migrants to [NYC] – and oftentimes in the cover of night. Watch Martin Brodel recounting an incident where outraged New Yorkers blocked a bus carrying illegal aliens from Texas below. This video is from the Martin Brodel channel on

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