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POKING THE BEAR: Britain's defense chief provokes Russia to unleash WWIII by sending its troops to train Ukrainian soldiers
By bellecarter // 2023-10-03
Russia's former President Dmitry Medvedev sent a clear warning to the United Kingdom government that if it pushes through with its plans to deploy military instructors to Ukraine, in addition to training Ukrainian troops in Britain, Russia would not have any choice but to unleash World War III with the West. Medvedev, who is Russian President Vladimir Putin's top ally, said on Sunday that any British military officers that would train soldiers inside Ukraine would be legitimate targets for Russian forces and they would be "ruthlessly destroyed." His statement came shortly after British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps expressed ideas of expanding the military training to Ukraine. He recently told the Sunday Telegraph that he was considering "eventually" deploying military instructors to the country, in addition to training Ukrainian troops in Britain. He also said that he has spoken with Army chiefs about moving "more training" there and called on British defense firms to set up shop in the country. Shapps also revealed he had spoken to Ukrainian President Vlodymyr Zelensky about Britain playing a more active role in the Black Sea, where Russia has targeted cargo ships. "Britain is a naval nation so we can help and we can advise, particularly since the water is international water," he said. "It's important we don't allow a situation to establish by default that somehow international shipping isn't allowed in that water. There's a lot of places where Britain can help advise," he said cryptically. He also noted that Britain is looking for ways to help Ukraine get in shape for NATO membership, which Ukraine has been long hoping for. As a reaction, Medvedev warned that these decisions of the West would only bring the world to the brink of nuclear war. The Russian Security Council deputy chairman said: "The number of leading idiots in NATO countries is growing and they are actively pushing us towards a Third World War," he added. "This will turn their instructors into a legal target for our armed forces, understanding perfectly well that they will be ruthlessly destroyed and not as mercenaries, but namely as British NATO specialists." Meanwhile, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Rishi Sunak clarified the defense secretary's comments. He denied the speculation that their soldiers would enter the war-torn region imminently. "What the Defense Secretary was saying was that it might well be possible one day in the future for us to do some of that training in Ukraine," Sunak explained. "That's something for the long term, not the here and now, there are no British soldiers that will be sent to fight in the current conflict. According to reports, more than 20,000 recruits from Ukraine have received training in the U.K. since the start of 2022. NATO countries have avoided training programs in Ukraine due to the risk of personnel being targeted by Russia. Medvedev, moreover, warned that should German factories supply Taurus missiles to Kyiv, they would also be a target of Russia's "fury." "They say this is in accordance with international law. Well, in that case, strikes on German factories where these missiles are made would also be in full compliance with international law," he said.

Terrorists to attack U.S. again, 9-11 style but with an atomic or biological component, Medvedev warns

A day before the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, Putin's top propagandist suggested that the United States could soon be subjected to an attack just like what happened back on September 11, 2001, but this time, with nuclear strikes. According to him, it seems that everyone is accustomed to the "arrogance and disgusting narcissism" and the "universal arrogance on any issue" among Western nations, especially the United States. "To their absolute confidence in their own rightness and exclusivity. To their universal arrogance on any issue. Peaceful or military," he wrote in the Russian language on his Telegram account. "You can't touch the Americans, they are "sacred cows," even if they are "seasoned spies, drug addicts shaking in withdrawal, or pedophiles with saliva in the corners of their mouths." A translation of the extensive post was shared on X by Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine's minister of internal affairs. "I don't want to forebode, but they'll see that at some point terrorists will launch another 11/09/2001-style attack, but with a nuclear or biological component. Or even worse: one of the leaders of nuclear countries will lose his nerve and make an emotional decision to use WMD [weapons of mass destruction]. Especially since the nuclear club is constantly expanding and a significant part of it is not bound by any obligations," he continued. (Related: War with Russia to massacre 50,000 Americans every two weeks, with forced conscription of young Americans now inevitable, warns US Army War College.) He ended his ominous message with: "And then that would be it. The end of the ball game. There will be only to collect money for a new monument in the neighborhood of Ground Zero. At best. And in the worst case, the wreaths will just be put in water." Visit for more stories on the nuclear war that could erupt between the U.S. and Russia.

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