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Biden's green policies are making housing no longer affordable for the average American
By arseniotoledo // 2023-10-22
The climate change and green energy policies of the administration of President Joe Biden are preventing prospective first-time homeowners from finally acquiring their own houses. This is according to Edward Ring, an author and a senior fellow with the conservative think tank, the California Policy Center, who warned of the far-reaching consequences of Biden's "globalist green agenda." "To allegedly save us all from a 'climate crisis,' development and use of oil, natural gas and coal is being halted," wrote Ring for American Greatness, while at the same time pointing out that the development of renewable energy sources like hydroelectric and nuclear power plants is also being slowed down, if not completely stopped. Ring added that newer energy sources will come from more inefficient and expensive wind, solar and biomass energy generation. These are far more destructive to the environment, require the extraction and importing of more raw materials for their construction and maintenance "and cannot possibly deliver the amount of energy the nation – or the world – requires to prosper." "The consequences of "green" policies are the primary reason why most Americans can no longer afford to own homes or pay rent, buy gasoline or pay their utility bills," wrote Ring. "And these elevated prices for essentials factor into price increases for everything else. How will doing this make America strong enough to withstand a prolonged military conflict with peer adversaries?"

Green housing policies making homes even more unaffordable for Americans

Perhaps the most devastating impact on Americans of these green energy policies is the fact that housing is becoming more and more unaffordable for Americans. Biden's Department of Energy has announced a $400 million program meant to go to state and local governments to incentivize them to implement new building codes that "lower greenhouse gas emissions" and fight the so-called "climate crisis." (Related: Interest rate for 30-year fixed mortgage rises to 8.45% – the highest it has been since 2000.) More than half of this endowment will go to implementing a universal "energy conservation code" that will compel homeowners to spend as much as $31,000 to renovate their homes to be in compliance with this directive. The remainder of the fund will go toward implementing "zero energy" building codes, which will require residential buildings to install small-scale renewable energy generators "to achieve zero-net carbon." This additional spending for owners of houses and residential buildings comes at a period in the United States when families are already struggling to afford a home. The median home price in the U.S. already rose to its second-highest-ever price of $414,000 in July. Forcing developers to build new houses and apartments in such a way as to comply with green building codes. State and local governments that take advantage of the Biden administration's funding for implementing green building codes would further be spurred to eventually phase out the use of natural gas in homes and residential buildings – which could make energy costs even more expensive as cheap natural gas disappears. Watch this video of financial and economic expert Gregory Mannarino warning Americans to prepare for the biggest housing crash in the history of the world. This video is from the High Hopes channel on

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