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Whistleblowers claim CIA recruited patsy hijackers for 9/11, hid truth from FBI
By ethanh // 2023-10-30
At the height of COVID when all eyes were on the "pandemic," the sworn declaration of a 9/11 investigator with the Office of Military Commissions (OMC) was released, showing that the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the World Trade Center was an inside job led by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Part of the Department of Defense's (DOD) Military Commissions Defense Organization, the OMC was tasked with looking into the details of 9/11, producing this whistleblower testimony around July 20, 2021, when nobody was paying attention to such things. Glenn Beck ran a segment about it – watch below – in which he explains the document's contents, including the claim that the CIA's hiring of hijackers for 9/11 was intentionally kept hidden from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Documented statements from 11 ex-FBI agents and two-ex CIA agents reveal that 9/11 was, in fact, a CIA-led inside job. And the American people, as usual, were never told about these recently unearthed facts, which of course were never reported by the media or picked up by anyone in Congress. (Related: Check out the report we published earlier this year about how the 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits, meaning the terror attack was a government-planned false flag attack.)

This is proof that the CIA was behind 9/11, but the media doesn't seem to care

In essence, the declaration claims that Saudis from American-allied Saudi Arabia were used as intermediaries to recruit Al-Qaeda operatives for the CIA, which knew that said operatives were inside the United States at the time. "The CIA knew the hijackers were inside the United States, and they wanted to work with them to recruit them through an illegal domestic espionage operation and hid everything from the FBI," Beck said. "Does anybody find that interesting? Does anybody find it interesting that it's not everywhere in the mainstream media? I mean, the CIA was running illegal operations (that) accidentally led to the worst tragedy on American soil. I mean, that seems kind of newsworthy. Where's the curiosity from the press? Is it a problem of sourcing?" The idea that 9/11 was "accidental," as Beck seems to be saying, is laughable. However, the revelation itself sure is telling as to who was really behind the 9/11 terrorist attack – and no, it was not Iraq like the George W. Bush regime claimed at the time with its "weapons of mass destruction" (WMD) propaganda. Keep in mind that in addition to the 11 ex-FBI agents and two ex-CIA agents who confirmed the declaration, there is also former deputy of national security advisor Richard Clark and former Sen. Bob Graham, a Democrat from Florida. "He was a co-chair of Congress' joint inquiry into 9/11," Beck explained about Graham. "I don't know, it's an amazing claim. It seems to have a lot of sources, but the media doesn't care." If all of this turns out to be true – and it certainly appears that it is – then this means that the U.S. government "would make North Korea's evil communist regime seem as harmless as a litter of kittens," to quote Revolver. "Sadly, it is looking more and more like the U.S. government is the source of more evil in the world than her sworn enemies," one commenter wrote about these disturbing revelations. More related news about government-staged incidents like 9/11 can be found at Sources for this article include: