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CCP-linked TikTok now dabbling in CLIMATE CENSORSHIP
By ramontomeydw // 2023-10-25
The video-sharing app TikTok, already notorious for its links to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is now dabbling in climate censorship. Writing for the New American magazine, freelance journalist James Murphy expounded on this phenomenon. His story centered on Evita Duffy-Alfonso, staff writer for the Federalist and co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. Duffy-Alfonso, the daughter of former Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI), found herself on the receiving end of TikTok's censorship because of a video she posted. Duffy-Alfonso posted a video asking users how will they "resist the push to restrict freedom of movement." Midway in the clip, she noted that "globalist jet-setters pretending to be environmentalists are producing fake doomsday climate predictions and spreading fear as a ploy to consolidate power." "A few days later, TikTok removed the video on the grounds that it was misinformation," Murphy recounted. "According to TikTok, the video contained misinformation that could 'cause significant harm to individuals or society, regardless of intent. Significant harm includes physical, psychological, societal harm and property damage.'" (Related: TikTok to censor content that challenges global warming dogma.) But Duffy-Alfonso's video contained no misinformation whatsoever, as it only questioned France's prohibition on short-haul domestic flights. "In the first half of my TikTok, I reported on indisputable truths – like the fact that France has banned short-haul domestic flights, and that nearly 100 cities across the globe have a stated 'target' of limiting air travel to one short-haul return flight every three years per person by 2030," she explained in a piece for the Federalist. "There's nothing these wealthy climate doomsdayers hate more than someone critiquing their asinine proposals, and it's possible that the censorship I experienced came directly from the globalist climate czars themselves." "My video, no matter how factual, deviated from their narrative, and it was erased from TikTok. The censorship is yet another indication that the climate cult is aiming for power, not clean air and water."

Other skeptics of the sham "climate change" narrative also CENSORED

"Unfortunately, Duffy-Alfonso's experience with TikTok is not the only example of climate zealots censoring information they don't like," wrote Murphy. The freelance journalist recounted how climate alarmists led by Professor Michael Mann of the University of Pennsylvania pressured the European Physical Journal Plus into retracting a peer-reviewed study. The paper, done by a group of Italian researchers, found no evidence of the so-called "climate crisis" being evident as of writing. Incidentally, Mann created the "hockey stick" graph featured in former Vice President Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" – which was later discredited. Meteorologist Joe Bastardi, another skeptic of the sham "climate change" narrative, also confirmed his censorship on the X platform (formerly Twitter.) He wrote: "I am being censored on [the X platform]. [I] spoke with a friend of mine that follows me and always is wondering what I am thinking on a matter when it shows up. He has not seen a tweet in a year." Steve Milloy, founder of the blog, has also attested to the climate censorship he and others have experienced. He wrote, addressing X owner Elon Musk: "Why is X censoring climate skeptics? It's happening to me, Bastardi and others I've talked with." "For some time, climate hysterics have been clamoring for censorship of any ideas that run counter to the narrative that anthropogenic climate change is real and dangerous, and can only be solved with the adoption of globalist and socialist policies," Murphy remarked. "The climate cult has also succeeded in getting Big Tech to censor climate information that runs counter to their approved narrative. True scientific inquiry depends upon scientists being able to speak their minds. This is why climate science is so dependent upon censorship – the climate cult and their alleged science cannot stand up to true scrutiny." Watch this video about the globalists' plan to control people's freedom to travel under the guise of "climate change," which Duffy-Alfonso tackled in her now-censored TikTok video. This video is from the What is happening channel on

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