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China is using the Israel-Palestine conflict to sideline the U.S. on the international stage
By arseniotoledo // 2023-10-26
China is using the conflict between Israel and Palestinian militant groups in Gaza to fuel opposition to the United States. This is according to social scientist Steven W. Mosher, who warned that China is "stoking a new Cold War with the West" through its support of terrorist groups, rogue regimes and other militant organizations around the world. (Related: Pentagon warns China now has over 500 operational nuclear warheads as it seeks nuclear parity with the U.S.) "China behind the scenes has been lighting fires everywhere in the world," warned Mosher during an interview with Brannon Howse on "WorldView Report." "Xi Jinping is the dictator of China, and he's a great admirer of Chairman Mao [Zedong], who once said 'Great chaos is needed to achieve great order in the world,' he continued. "And the great chaos is well underway because we have war in Ukraine, we have a looming war in the Middle East, we have North Korea threatening South Korea, we have Serbia moving troops to its border with Kosovo, so the Balkans may explode again." Mosher added in an opinion piece written for the New York Post that China has also been supporting the dictator Bashar Al-Assad in Syria and the brutal military junta of Myanmar.

China painting itself as a Muslim-friendly alternative to America

Following the outbreak of renewed hostilities between Israel and Gaza, Beijing's initial statement on the matter failed to condemn Hamas for its surprise terrorist attack on Israel. Analysts writing for Politico note that this initial response is likely part of "a long-term play" to gain favor among Middle Eastern nations to portray itself as sympathetic to the plight of Palestinians. This puts Beijing in opposition to the United States and its defense of Israel as well as paints itself as a strong alternative partner to Washington for nations not just in the Middle East but also in Africa and Latin America. China's opposition to Israel has been so strong that the Israeli Ambassador to China had to tell Beijing to stop supporting Hamas and to stop acting with hostility toward Israel. More recently, China has lashed out at the U.S. after its representative to the United Nations vetoed a Security Council resolution that would have called for "humanitarian pauses" to the conflict to deliver lifesaving aid to the two million trapped civilians in Gaza. Chinese state media outlets have also used the conflict to continue painting the U.S. as a regional villain plotting crises all over the Middle East "behind the scenes," and hinting that closer ties with China could play a role in gaining long-term stability for the region. But Jonathan Fulton, an expert at the Atlantic Council on China's increasing influence over Middle Eastern affairs, notes that Beijing is likely using this as an opportunity to win support in the Arab and Islamic world for its own priorities, including asserting its right to take over Taiwan and rejecting U.S. allegations that China is committing genocide against Uyghur Muslims. Furthermore, Fulton noted that Beijing is definitely interested in keeping the U.S. focused on Middle Eastern affairs as it keeps Washington's limited resources away from its own sphere of influence in Asia. "Obviously for China, it is better if the U.S. is bogged down in the Middle East and the Gulf," said Fulton. "But if the U.S. keeps providing the security architecture that maintains the Middle East, China is not going to have to do heavy lifting on its own." Watch this clip from the "WorldView Report" with host Brannon Howse interviewing Steven W. Mosher about how China is brewing proxy conflicts around the world to divert more and more crucial American military resources. This video is from the WorldView Report channel on

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