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Coca-Cola CUTS TIES with Black Lives Matter over activist group's support of Hamas
By ramontomeydw // 2023-10-26
The Coca-Cola Company has cut ties with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement over the latter's support of the Hamas terrorist group that attacked Israel. The second-biggest soft drink corporation quietly removed references to its previous support toward BLM on its website. Prior to the move, Coca-Cola's website discussed its philanthropic efforts alongside the activist group. The highlight of the page touched on its $500,000 donation to BLM – made through the Sprite clear lemon beverage brand – in support of its "voting education efforts" and its "February 2021 Black Future Month program." References to this donation, alongside other items that mentioned BLM, were struck off the site. The current version of Coca-Cola's website only states how it started a "Give Back" program to fight "racial injustice." "We're in this for the long haul," brand lead Aaliyah Shafiq noted on the website. "Lasting change will not happen overnight, so we're committed to continuing to amplify the voices and efforts of our community; to listen and learn; and to actively help create a better shared future for America." Coca-Cola's stealthy edit did not go unnoticed. Several users took to social media to rebuke the company for its stealthy revision, stressing how it did so with nary an apology or clarification. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) posted on the X platform (formerly Twitter) that the soft drink giant had been "caught red-handed" with the change. "Editing your website is not enough," he wrote. "Americans demand an apology." The fiasco arose from an Oct. 10 post by BLM's Chicago chapter that showed a silhouette of a paraglider with the text "I stand with Palestine." The image posted on X, which was later deleted, referenced how Hamas terrorists used paragliders to infiltrate a music festival in Israel on Oct. 7. The operatives killed more than 1,000 soldiers and civilians, prompting Israel to launch a military offensive against the group that controls the Gaza Strip.

Gonzalez: BLM's support of Hamas lines up with its goals

BLM Chicago said in an Oct. 11 statement amid backlash to its post: "Yesterday, we sent out [messages] that we aren't proud of. We stand with Palestine and the people who will do what they must to live free. Our hearts are with the grieving mothers, those rescuing babies from the rubble [and those] who are in danger of being wiped out completely." (Related: BLM tweeted, deleted, then DOUBLED DOWN on calling Hamas attack "a desperate act of self-defense.") But the statement failed to mollify users, with author and former speechwriter Aviva Klompas rebuking BLM for "unapologetically standing with butchers and rapists." Republican commentator Robby Starbuck also shared the same sentiment, writing on X: "BLM Chicago, like many leftists, comes out in support of slaughtering innocent people they don't like." The points brought up by Klompas and Starbucks make sense, according to Mike Gonzalez of the Washington, D.C-based think tank Heritage Foundation (HF). He outlined in an Oct. 20 piece that BLM's backing of the terrorist Hamas perfectly lines up with the movement's goals. According to Gonzalez, a senior fellow at HF, "embracing the vilest form of terrorism as a means of destroying Israel is a feature – not a bug – of revolutionary 'decolonization.'" He added that for BLM and its affiliates, Israel must be destroyed "because it is a White settler [and] White supremacist state." The senior fellow also emphasized how "'decolonization' – a mantra of the movement – is to be carried out 'by any means necessary.' It means that decolonization must be carried out with rape and carnage. Bloodlust is purifying; to fanatics, Hamas' butchery of civilians is an integral part of (the) revolution." Gonzalez also pointed out that the endorsement of Hamas' atrocities came from chapters that are "the leading ideological voices of BLM." This runs contrary to claims from the Anti-Defamation League and others that the support for Hamas comes from "fringe chapters that have gone rogue and are not controlled by the national organization." Visit for more stories about BLM's support of Hamas and its terrorism. Watch Glenn Beck talking about BLM's support of Hamas in the clip below. This video is from the High Hopes channel on

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