Fantasies of running off to the hills aside (these people would not last one week in the woods or one month in prison), there is an extreme disconnect between the demands Zennials made a couple years ago and the price they are willing to pay for those demands now. Remember when these same people threatened conservatives with severe punishment if they refused to comply with covid mandates? Remember when they said the military could be used to crush conservatives should they fight back and that "AR-15s are useless against F16s?" Apparently, the military is now incapable of functioning without conservatives and can't engage in a war unless conservatives lead the way. It has been said for years that woke people can't fight, they get others to fight for them. Now they admit it. Interestingly, this is one area of political discourse where leftists and conservatives, Gen Z and "Boomers," might actually agree: Almost no one supports a new draft. However, there are plenty of people that wouldn't mind seeing zennials thrown into boot camp for a while just so they can learn a much needed lesson in humility, and perhaps rethink their political positions more clearly. Zennials say that the economy is "worse now than it has ever been" and paint themselves as the most suffering generation of all time (whatever happened to the miracle of Bidenomics?). US education standards have dropped off the map, which is probably why they've never heard of the Great Depression or the stagflation crisis of the 1970s. Conditions during these events were far worse than what we are experiencing today, though, things are likely to decline rapidly in the wake of WWIII. Maybe one day soon their delusions of martyrdom will become a self fulfilling prophecy.Gen Z is looking forward to the food and shelter of jail for dodging the WW3 draft, if you can catch him. Also he’s gay.#WW3 #WWIII
— ? Tess T. Eccles-Brown, PhD (@TTEcclesBrown) October 24, 2023
And of course, as the manure hits the fan they will continue to blame "capitalism" instead of the socialist/globalist ideals they have been supporting for years. The reason America as a country is no longer worth fighting for is exactly because of the anti-American policies many zennials argue in favor of. Perhaps with the advent of a renewed draft the younger generations will come to realize the wisdom in treating the government with suspicion and vigilance instead of always blindly defending state authority in the assumption that it will only ever hurt their ideological enemies. Read more at: ZeroHedge.comMillennials are also opting out of the WW3 draft and they’re not paying back their student loans#ww3
— ? Tess T. Eccles-Brown, PhD (@TTEcclesBrown) October 24, 2023
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