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Professor who pushed for MEDICAL TYRANNY during COVID-19 pandemic now begs for FORGIVENESS
By ramontomeydw // 2023-10-31
A professor who once espoused strict lockdown measures during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has done an about-face and is now begging for forgiveness. Scott Galloway, a professor at New York University's (NYU) Stern School of Business, made this confession during an Oct. 27 panel discussion on the HBO program "Real Time with Bill Maher." The professor admitted that he was "wrong" for advocating for prolonged lockdown policies. "I was on the board of my kids' school during COVID-19. I wanted a harsher lockdown policy," Galloway told Maher. "In retrospect, I was wrong. The damage to kids [caused by] keeping them out of school longer was greater than the risks." "But here's the bottom line – we were all operating with imperfect information, and we were doing our best. Let's learn from it; let's hold each other accountable. [But] let's bring a little bit of grace and forgiveness in the s**t show what was COVID-19." Predictably, many users on social media did not take too kindly to Galloway's apology. Some of them took to X (formerly Twitter) to voice out their disdain, noting that his definition of "doing our best" meant shaming, ridiculing, and ostracizing anybody who deviated from the official narrative that lockdowns and COVID-19 vaccines saved lives. "No, we need to never forget that – it doesn't matter that you're now saying you were 'doing your best.' You let your fear grip you, and you lectured everyone by your fear. Some of us tried to tell you, and you ridiculed us," user @AgentRaster wrote. Meanwhile, user @callme_Chari minced no words in her post, writing: "No forgiveness. Many told you over and over that you were wrong. But we were cast aside [and] silenced." "We were told the 'experts' knew better, and we all know you haven't learned a thing from any of this. If it were to all happen again, the majority of 'Covidians' would do the same things all over again. You shouldn't be forgiven, you should be held accountable."

Not the first time somebody called for a "COVID-19 amnesty"

Incidentally, Galloway wasn't the first individual who called for forgiveness over medical tyranny during the COVID-19 pandemic. Exactly a year ago, Brown University professor Emily Oster called for a pandemic amnesty through an October 2022 piece for the Atlantic magazine. In the op-ed, she suggested a "truce" in the form of putting away all the terrible pandemic decisions. Oster also urged people to forgive and forget all the COVID-19 public health mandates – such as lockdowns, school closures and mask mandates – and their resulting damage to people's lives. This, she continued, was because people "were in the dark about COVID-19." "Let's acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward." Just like Galloway's call for forgiveness and grace, Oster's suggestion of a pandemic truce did not sit well with many. Breitbart's John Nolte joined the chorus of opposition, outlining his points in a November 2022 article. "That's not going to happen, ever," he began. "There must first be an admission of wrongdoing, an apology, accountability, and repentance. We're seeing nothing even close to that from our COVID oppressors; instead, all we see is lying and gaslighting." (Related: Harrison Smith: Emily Oster's "pandemic amnesty" suggestion deserves a big NO.) "There will be no amnesty before there is accountability for the savages who forced our loved ones to die alone. Most of all, there will be no reprieve because you are not sorry. Given the opportunity, you will do it all over again." Visit for more stories about medical tyrants pushing for pandemic amnesty. Watch Harrison Smith of InfoWars stressing that the pandemic amnesty Oster proposed, just like Galloway's call for COVID-19 forgiveness, deserves a big no.
This video is from the InfoWars channel on

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