BREAKING REPORT: Trump to Present Classified Evidence of FOREIGN INTERFERENCE in 2016 and 2020 Election During January 6th Indictment Trial.
"President Trump will offer classified information at trial relating to foreign influence activities that impacted the 2016 and 2020… — Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) October 27, 2023
It’s all public record now in the court filings:THIS IS MASSIVE! Donald Trump is planning to share never-before-seen evidence that there was foreign influence in the 2020 election
I'm live on Rumble once again exposing the most rigged & least safe election in American history — George (@BehizyTweets) October 28, 2023
You can read the full filing here. Check out this part:BREAKING: Court records show Trump plans to present classified information at the January 6th indictment trial that shows there was foreign interference in the 2020 election
"President Trump will offer classified information at trial relating to foreign influence activities that… — George (@BehizyTweets) October 27, 2023
Zoom in:"President Trump will offer classified information at trial relating to foreign influence activities that impacted the 2016 and 2020 elections, as well as efforts by his administration to combat those activities."
"...he was doing what he had been elected to do." — Jon Herold (@patel_patriot) October 27, 2023
President Trump was “well within his rights”:NEW: Looks like Trump is ready to turn the tables on DOJ/intelligence community for foreign interference in 2016 and 2020 elections in Jan 6 case.
— Julie Kelly ?? (@julie_kelly2) October 27, 2023
Trump was well within his rights to respond as he saw fit...
"the court made clear that it would not dispute the President on measures necessary to repel foreign aggression." — Jon Herold (@patel_patriot) October 27, 2023
My friends over at The Gateway Pundit made an interesting connection:Are you paying attention yet?
— Jon Herold (@patel_patriot) October 13, 2023
As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, former President Donald Trump praised the analysis and comments made by Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes during a recent interview. Halper-Hayes, a former Global Vice President of Republicans Overseas UK, made headlines with her statements during an appearance with a British morning news show, Breakfast with Stephen and Ellie. Halper-Hayes pushed back against the widely held belief that Trump’s case is based solely on political conspiracy theories, arguing that there are significant questions about election integrity that require attention. She further contended that the current indictment has inadvertently given Trump a platform to present his case and expose possible election irregularities. During the interview, Halper-Hayes claimed to be part of a Department of Defense (DoD) Task Force, asserting that Space Force had evidence proving the fraudulent nature of the 2020 election. The Gateway Pundit can neither confirm nor deny these allegations at this time. According to Halper-Hayes, Trump had chosen not to disclose such evidence early to prevent civil unrest, believing it could lead to a civil war. “I sit on a task force at the Department of Defense, and the thing is, they’ve got the goods. They’ve got the goods. And Trump knew that if he presented any of the goods early on, we’d have a civil war, that he really felt that the people needed to see how bad it could get,” said Halper-Hayes. “See, the thing is, think about Edward Snowden and all the information he had. Think about the fact that our military, our Department of Defense Space Force, if you think that they don’t have the actual real results from the election, then you’re fooling yourself,” said Halper-Hayes. Dr. Halper-Hayes further delved into Executive Order 13848,” enacted by Trump on September 12, 2018, arguing that it was designed to combat foreign interference in U.S. elections, with a focus on the 2020 elections. “Now, let me say something about this 2020 election, is that Biden is the legitimate president, but he’s the legitimate president of what is now the bankrupt US. Corporation and that was a treaty in 1871,” said Halper-Hayes. She continued, “Well, on September 12, 2018, Trump created an executive order. Within that, he outlined in future elections any kind of foreign or domestic interference specifically for the 2020 election. So we say, how did he know some of these things were going to happen? Election integrity on both sides of the aisle is tough. It’s really tough. But what this has done is it opened the door for Trump to present his case.”I’ve written a lot about this before….
Here’s a zoom in the post so you can see it better:Does Trump look worried to you?
CREDIT: MJTruth ? Trump shared two pictures 1. Him smiling big with the Police 2. Himself with Jesus next to him He also says that he’s successfully whooping the deepstates ass with these lawsuits & to let them keep suing him over BULLSHIT ?… — (@DailyNoahNews) October 20, 2023
“Does President Trump look worried to you?”You know, kind of like the age-old question from Dirty Harry….Do you feel lucky, punk? So, now I ask you…. Does Trump LOOK worried to you? Does he? Punk? The man with the entire Deep State coming after him… The weight of the world seemingly on his shoulders… Ostensibly mounting a comeback to the White House… Single-handedly trying to save America from an inside coup… And does he look worried…at all? Or is he quite literally dancing on air? Check this out:
You know what it tells me, it tells me that this is a man who knows he has already won. That’s what I see when I see videos like this or when I listen to him speak. There is a serious-as-a-heart-attack tone in his voice…. There is laser focus… There is a mean streak that is soon to be unleashed that will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen in Washington as Trump unveils the most epic counter-punch in history…. But there is no fear. There is no doubt. There is no consideration that he might lose. I don’t see any of that. I see a man who is likely already holding all the cards and is just waiting for the exact right time to play them. I know it’s taken longer than we all wanted, but now we quite literally have evidence out there of Joe Biden himself taking a $5 million and a $10 million bribe from other countries. The CCP! That had to come out on its own. It couldn’t be Trump in office TELLING America about it. It had to come out by other sources. We’ve also seen how bad the Deep State can destroy America in just 3 years. That had to be seen. People had to witness it, live through it. But soon I think President Trump plays his TRUMP CARD. There’s a lot from 2020 that people forget, but I haven’t. Remember when it was rumored that the White Hats raided that server farm in Frankfurt, Germany and the rumor was that Trump won with 410 Electoral Votes? I remember. I think we may see that data again. And a lot more. Have you noticed how President Trump keeps telling us he won by a LOT more in 2020 than he did in 2016? Why does he keep saying that? Because we’re about to see the receipts? Folks, I think you’re about to witness one of the greatest endings to a story you’ve ever seen…. And I base that on the body language I read when I watch President Trump. Call it a hunch… Call it body language reading… Call it intuition… Call it my gut feeling… But I’ve been doing this a LONG time and my gut isn’t wrong too often. RELATED:The Man, The Moves, The Legend
DONALD JOHN TRUMP! — (@DailyNoahNews) June 26, 2023
He’s exactly right. So sad to see Brett Baier pushing the company line…. Baier says: “there were recounts Mr. President!” What kind of nonsense is that? Recounting a cheated, stolen election will still get you a cheated, stolen result! You don’t need to be a brain surgeon to figure that out Brett. Wise up bud. Then they covered the phony Presidential Records case:President Trump puts Brett Baier in his place and exposes the rigged election.
“I won 2020 by a lot, okay? Let’s get that straight. I won in 2020.” ? ? @DailyNoahNews — (@DailyNoahNews) June 19, 2023
Then it went deep:“I have every right to have those boxes. This is purely a Presidential Records Act. This is not a criminal thing… Everything was declassified.”
Just watch. Trump will be proven right, again. ? @DailyNoahNews — (@DailyNoahNews) June 19, 2023
Then Trump’s family came up:Trump just came out with it and told Bret that every single modern President before him was literally owned by China and our country was infiltrated from within. This is why they fear him.
He tells the truth. They were purposely moving manufacturing out of America and now… — (@DailyNoahNews) June 19, 2023
And I’m sure this was just a coincidence…. 17:DJT talks about his family:
“My family has been through hell… Nobody has been through what my family has been through…” Then he was asked why he keeps going. His answer? “Because I want to Make America Great Again.” We love you, President Trump. Thank you ?? ?… — (@DailyNoahNews) June 19, 2023
Is Trump still in charge? He hinted at it SEVERAL times in these clips. Biden being “supposedly” in charge…. The number 17 brought up again…. Saying point-blank he won 2020. Is he telling us what’s really happening? The end of the movie about to play out? RELATED:Trump just told Bret Baier that they want to arrest the opponent who is leading the person who is "in theory" in charge of government and then said he specifically went to Washington 17 times.
I'm sure it's nothing.... #17 #Q ? — (@DailyNoahNews) June 19, 2023
Look, I’m not an expert on the Military or on the Secret Service, but that sure looks to me like that is a heavy duty, Military-grade guard. Take a look:Let’s play a game, shall we? Since when do Secret Service wear full battle rattle? ? Time to start reading what’s going on ??♂️ ??
— Derek Johnson (@rattletrap1776) June 11, 2023
What do you think? Is rPOTUS being safeguarded? He is still in command? Are the White Hats in the military in control and keeping him heavily shielded? I know the next question that always pops up when we discuss that, which is: If Trump is still in charge, why is he letting everything get so bad? I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but some people are so brainwashed by the MSM and so detached from reality, that you can’t TELL them what’s happening. Even if Trump used the Emergency Broadcasting System and took over all TV channels and spent hours laying out all the evidence, a portion of America would not be able to take their blinders down to see it. So sometimes the only option you have is to let the enemy implode and self-destruct. Sometimes you have to let it get so bad for long enough that the evidence become overwhelming. To the point where even CNN will be forced to cover it. Is that what’s happening now? Let me give you a couple more things before I go to stimulate some more discussion… Here’s one more recent post from Derek Johnson:This picture is claimed to be from Trump's recent stop in Georgia. That is some HEAVY DUTY defense he's got! Connect the dots...@DailyNoahNews
— (@DailyNoahNews) June 11, 2023
And then I have to show you this video… It’s long but if you want the hard evidence I challenge you to watch this 3 hour video and see what you think by the end. This is very powerful. Watch here safely on Rumble: And now if you want to go even deeper, I brought you this last month. It’s so good.I watch the flight app a LOT. First time I’ve seen this Aircraft… kind of funny timing esp after those Military docs were “found” ?
What have Colonel Sellers, LTC Bossi and I been discussing on recent shows? The very Command those two were heavily involved in???? — Derek Johnson (@rattletrap1776) June 11, 2023
On June 15, 2015, Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States. That same week, The Department of Defense published its Law of War manual—240 years after the establishment of the military. Download a copy at Much of what I’ve read in it is revealing—including that military authority granted by the United States Supreme Court and Congress in 2015-16—includes the fact that this Law of War supersedes laws passed by Congress.Read the FULL REPORT here on Substack. RELATED:This is part of the plan and why I am so confident Trump is still running the show—but all must decide for themselves For those fake-checkers as we now call them, “240 years” is not an error. The military was established in 1775 preceding even the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and long before the first U.S. government (Articles of Confederation) ever came into being the next decade (1781). FACT- The United States Government has operated under the military’s ‘Continuity of Government’ provision since January 20, 2017, as can be seen on the government’s office of security website. What else happened on January 20, 2017 you ask? Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the country, the day the Law of War went into effect. So let’s set the stage for what happened On December 16, 2015, a testy exchange occurred at the Republican presidential debate between former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (brother to President George Bush) and Donald Trump when Jeb attacked the only outsider candidate, “Who’s going to vote for you? Who’s going to back you?” Trump the outsider, went up against 17 top Republican insiders— and trounced them all. Trump’s immediate response was very telling. As for ‘Who’s going to vote for you?’, Trump quipped, “The American People, that’s who.” But in answer to Bush’s second question, ‘Who’s going to back you?’ (I assumed Bush was speaking of rich donors) Trump answered, “I’m backed by 200 generals, how about you, Jeb?” That’s when it was clear to me the rumours were true—the U.S. military had asked Citizen Trump to save America No candidate for president is going to claim to the brother of a former president (who would know the answer) that hundreds of U.S. generals were backing him unless it was the truth—and apparently, it was. They not only backed him then, they still do to this day. Trump underplayed this fact when he said Marine Corps General Joseph F. Dunford Jr. “played a role” in his decision to run, but that clearly understates the matter, as he was awarded the Commandant’s Leadership Award on April 22, 2015 just two months prior to that announcement. John Mack, left, commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr, (second left), and Steven Wallace, co-founder of Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation—who played a role in the development of the Law of War manual that came into being with Trump’s presidency. Coincidence? I don’t believe in those anymore. This was the plan. Also, giving this top military award to a civilian outsider, in my opinion, was the signal the Marine Corps Commandant sent to the other generals that he and the top brass intended to put this man Trump in play to save America from the Global Marxists, both foreign and domestic—perhaps mostly ‘domestic’. War Powers Act (I & II) and Executive Order 13912 made Trump ‘Wartime President’ meaning that role continues until 2024 Executive Order 13912 declared the national emergency (Covid) giving these extraordinary powers to the president (with which I don’t agree, by the way). It either says what it says or it doesn’t, so read it. I’m just the Scribe. But it wasn’t just this one ‘national emergency’ declared by Proclamation 9994 under §12302 of Title 10, U.S.C. §§2127, 2308, 2314, and § 3735 of Title 14 that was invoked. There were seven (7) national emergencies declared by President Trump in writing and two (2), he announced publicly, any one of which federalised 1,000,000 soldiers, and put them at his disposal when and as needed—until the national emergencies were ended. Trump went nuclear on them and they didn’t even know itIt also made him Commander in Chief until that time. Pursuant to these laws and emergency powers granted under them, Donald J. Trump remains in power—to the chagrin of the Marxists he still intends to rip out by the roots upon his ‘official’ return—which their recent actions and fake indictments prove they must know. The Richardson Post reported how Trump established his ability to declare a national emergency over election meddling simply by continuing the Obama/Biden Administration Executive Order 13694, designed to falsely claim Russia interfered in U.S. elections (2016) and then seize assets of their enemies. Please read our article on this for background and context from December 5, 2020 “Did President Trump Just Go Nuclear?”. Trump added his own Executive Order 13848 (September 12, 2018) authorising the seizure of the assets of those involved—including U.S. citizens guilty of domestic election interference —knowing already that Democrats colluded with China—not Russia—to rig the 2016 election, but were overwhelmed by Trump. Hillary Clinton lost anyway in 2016 when Trump voters overwhelmed the rigging. Without ‘mail-in’ they could not rig or win future elections. Almost every Democrat politician and Globalist/Marxist financial backer of these thugs in America can be subject to asset seizure by the military under the on-going Continuance of Government resolution, which is still in effect. This young hero, Derek Johnson, laid it out, using only law This former military intel officer turned country music star, Derek Johnson, has put it all together for us in detail ( took an incredible amount of heat—after Trump’s supposed election loss in 2020, by the way— when we published, “Trump Will Win-Here’s Why” and laid out my reasoning. We couldn’t tell you how we knew it then (and still can’t) but everything Derek Johnson lays out is fact, backed up with documentation proving what I wrote back then was a correct assessment—military Continuance of Government was invoked—and Trump could still call the shots until that ended. Now that the Marxists have arrested and indicted Trump, even Democrats are switching sides. Trump is up 10% in just three days since his false indictment for non-crimes by a local thug D.A. in New York City who ran on ‘get Trump’ with Soros’ moneySo why did Trump take two years of attacks and arrows if he was still in power under these laws? Great question, and I’m so glad you asked it. The answer is, you had to see it for yourselves before you would believe all this was even remotely possible. If I told you then that the U.S. government had developed deadly viruses and paid their collaborators in Communist China millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to make these diseases more deadly to humans—and then release them on the world—would you have believed me? “Hell no” is the answer, and you know it. But I bet you believe me now, because you saw it and lived through it—or didn’t. If someone close to you died of it, you probably hate the rogues in my own government and their CCP collaborators as much as I do. If I told you the real purpose of this Scamdemic was to lock down our nations so our compromised ‘leaders’ could justify mail-in ballots to steal elections through voter fraud, would you have believed me then? Again, “Hell no”, is the answer—even though we proved to you the CCP owned the Dominion voting machines before the 2020 election, via its 75% ownership of UBS Bank in Switzerland which took Dominion’s assets as ‘collateral’ just one month before the voter fraud (on October 8th, 2020). But I bet you believe me now after seeing that only 102 million registered U.S. voters somehow cast 158 million ballots in the U.S. presidential election? (Only 153 million were registered per U.S. Census, with a ‘record’ turnout of 66.7% per Statista meaning there were only 102 million legal votes in 2020) 56 million fake votes—yet everyone but us said, ‘no evidence of fraud.’ Really? Many, I’m sure, thought our information about the ‘Deep State’, its development of killer viruses, the Biden’s collaboration with the CCP, and the incredible corruption in America’s government were ‘crazy’, ‘bullshit’, ‘delusional’ to name just a few comments from back then—but I was right and knew it. How did I know these things? Because I was a political prisoner in the American Gulag—the largest in world history—for several years. The Deep State constantly moves it enemies and I was moved 29 times between secret sites and allegedly ‘closed prisons’, including the most dangerous holding sites in America—for seven long years. I met almost every other American (and foreign) whistleblower, truth-teller, journalist and political prisoner during those 84 months of what is known as ‘diesel therapy’—though never convicted by any court of jurisdiction of any crime—to this day. The book and film on that story are still circulating all these years later—perhaps more relevant now that ever—when some of the same thugs are going after my president. The book is still selling years later and the documentary is still available atFor those of you who are ‘visual’ like me, here’s the movie on what happened.
“This is the final battle.”Just look at his eyes in this clip below. The gloves are off. Any attempt to “work with” the Demons in D.C. is finally abandoned. Now it’s Scorched Earth. And it’s about time. Watch:
And this one:OMG. Trump is in Battle mode in Michigan ?
— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) June 26, 2023
In the midst of all that focus and grit, still I find it fascinating that he does not look worried. He seems MAD, but not worried. PISSED OFF, but not scared. As if he knows he has already won, and now it’s just time to do the dirty clean up. Does this look like a man who has any ounce of concern??FINALLY?
Trump is starting to amp up his rhetoric towards the Deep State. The American People are tired of pulling punches. We want to see scorched-earth. No more euphemisms. No more niceties. No more holding back. What is the penalty for TREASON? ? @DailyNoahNews — (@DailyNoahNews) June 26, 2023
Let’s go Mr. President, we’ve got your back! Here’s more from the event yesterday:The Man, The Moves, The Legend
DONALD JOHN TRUMP! — (@DailyNoahNews) June 26, 2023
"We have fake elections," former President Trump said, taking another swipe at the United States election system.
— The Hill (@thehill) June 26, 2023
Here’s what The Hill reported:President Trump gets a roar from the crowd at the Lincoln Day Dinner in Michigan:
"This country has so much potential. We're going to make this country greater than ever before." — Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) June 25, 2023
President Trump took his latest swipe at the United States election system during a speech to Michigan Republicans on Sunday. During a speech to Oakland County Republicans in Michigan on Sunday, Trump said that he saved the steel industry in Michigan by placing tariffs on foreign aluminum and steel when he was president. He said that there would be no country without steel, borders or elections, which he said were “fake” in the U.S. “And if you don’t have steel, you don’t have a country, like borders, like elections, got to have real elections,” he said during the keynote address. “We don’t really real elections, we have fake elections.” Trump, who has repeatedly falsely claimed the 2020 election was stolen from him, also said that he wants same-day voting on Election Day, paper ballots and instating requirements for voter ID. He said Democrats do not want to implement those measure because they want to “cheat.”Besides calling out election fraud, Trump also told the crowd he plans to demolish the deep state. Take a look:
The crowd was hyped to see Trump on stage. Listen:OMG. Trump is in Battle mode in Michigan ?
— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) June 26, 2023
RELATED:President Trump gets a roar from the crowd at the Lincoln Day Dinner in Michigan:
"This country has so much potential. We're going to make this country greater than ever before." — Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) June 25, 2023
It actually immediately reminded me of this:President Trump: “I’m fighting the Deep State & winning… I think I’m a very nice person, but if we’re gonna win, we have to be tough and we have to fight back…
If I fight back, you don’t sound as nice as you should, but we’re all winning together. Make America Great Again.” ? — (@DailyNoahNews) January 17, 2023
The left is so desperate to get rid of President Trump, that they will stretch anything he says until they convince people that it is ‘very bad and wrong.’#NEW: Pres. @realDonaldTrump responds to a question from a reporter asking if he supports QAnon, and those who believe Dems are “pedophiles and cannibals” saying, “Is that supposed to be a bad thing? We are actually. We are saving the world." — Emily Finn (@EmilyRoseFinn) August 19, 2020
This is very simple.. President Trump was asked a question about QAnon and he responded in the best way possible, by turning the question back around on the reporter. As Americans, we should all be asking the same exact question that Trump responded with: “Is that a bad thing?”They always try - if they spent as much time on the truth as they do lies and gotcha questions the US would really know what is going on! The demonicRAT party is out of control and, control and power is their main goal. TDS is very real!!
— George (@George83554566) August 20, 2020
President Trump says he agrees with the notion that we need to fight against pedophiles and cannibals, and the news media pounce because he’s ‘giving credence to a fringe right-wing group.’ The real question is, what are the major news networks and the democrats really afraid of? If QAnon is just a silly conspiracy group, why are they so desperate to silence the group? Why does anything QAnon related get people banned from social media, while wishing death upon the president after his brother passes away trends? And if you want even more, watch this. THIS….is Q: Now that you know the TRUTH, let’s take a look at what the MSM is trying to tell you. Does any of this remotely line up with what you just learned? Ask yourself why they are lying. And also ask yourself like President Trump did, why would you be against what Q stands for? Unless…..well, I’ll let you fill in the answer to that question. I think you know it. And it’s very dark and ugly. A dark and ugly reality of the world’s elites. Here’s what CBS News wants you to beLIEve:There's no such thing as a dumb question but this was pretty close. Loved how he made them look like clowns? for asking such a ridiculous question.
— Some beach ⛱️ somewhere (@dbates71) August 19, 2020
What started as a fringe movement among President Trump’s supporters, confined to the shadier corners of the internet, has taken a mainstream turn. The QAnon conspiracy theory started on 4chan, the bulletin board known for creating and spreading memes, but has moved to larger social media platforms. Facebook has taken action against QAnon groups and pages, while Twitter removed several thousand QAnon-linked accounts in 2020. The FBI has warned that fringe conspiracy theories like QAnon pose a growing domestic terrorism threat. What is the QAnon conspiracy theory? What do its followers believe? Those questions have become more difficult to answer as the movement has expanded since its inception in 2017. The story of Q QAnon purports that America is run by a cabal of pedophiles and Satan-worshippers who run a global child sex-trafficking operation and that President Trump is the only person who can stop them. The information supposedly comes from a high-ranking government official who posts cryptic clues on 4chan and the even more unfettered site 8chan under the name “Q.” That’s the central gist of the theory. The rest is open to some degree of interpretation, which is necessary because Q’s posts tend to read like riddles. But YouTube videos created by QAnon believers help fill in the gaps and create a storyline that’s more-or-less comprehensible. QAnon exists as a kind of parallel history, in which a “deep state” took over decades ago. An all-encompassing theory of the world, it appears to tie together and explain everything from “Pizzagate” to ISIS to the prevalence of mass shootings and the JFK assassination. It claims the military, supposedly eager to see the deep state overthrown, recruited President Trump to run for president. But the deep state, which controls the media, quickly tried to smear him through “fake news” and unfounded allegations of collusion with Russia. It goes on to insist that despite the deep state’s best efforts, however, President Trump is winning, and that Q is releasing sanctioned leaks to the public in order to galvanize them ahead of “The Storm,” which is the moment when the deep state’s leaders are arrested and sent to Guantanamo Bay. QAnon believers have called this process “The Great Awakening.” Enter “the storm” The storm takes its name from President Trump’s enigmatic comment from October 2018 about “the calm before the storm.” Q began posting soon after and said that the storm Mr. Trump referenced is a coming series of mass arrests that would end the deep state forever. In QAnon lore, President Trump was secretly working with special counsel Robert Mueller to bring the deep state down, and the storm is a kind of Judgment Day in which the evildoers are punished and the faithful are redeemed. Q has repeatedly suggested that the storm would hit in the very near future and has even said certain people would be arrested at certain dates. When those dates come and go without any arrests, Q says that they needed to be delayed for one reason or another, but that President Trump still has the situation well in hand. Bakers and breadcrumbs Q’s posts tend to be either vague or totally incomprehensible, but QAnon believers are more than happy to try and decipher them. Last year, for example, Q posted a photo of an unnamed island chain. Eager to divine the reasoning behind the post, QAnon adherents tried to “prove” that the photo must have been taken on Air Force One and thus that Q was traveling with the president. The Q posts are known to the faithful as “breadcrumbs.” The people who then try to figure out what they mean are called “bakers.” According to The Daily Beast’s Will Sommer, QAnon believers also spend a lot of time trying to figure out who in the government is a “white hat” Trump supporter and who is a “black hat” in league with the deep state. Their rallying cry is “where we go one, we go all,” a line from the 1996 Jeff Bridges sailing adventure “White Squall” that they misattribute to President Kennedy. The phrase is frequently abbreviated to “WWG1WGA,” which Roseanne Barr — one of several celebrity QAnon supporters — tweeted in June 2018. Former Red Sox pitcher and current right-wing radio host Curt Schilling has also promoted QAnon online. Q’s identity The name refers to Q-level clearance at the Energy Department. But who’s behind the posts is anybody’s guess. According to Sommer, the QAnon faithful sometimes point to former national security adviser Michael Flynn and White House aide Dan Scavino as possibilities. Others believe it’s Mr. Trump himself. Another theory is that John F. Kennedy Jr. faked his death and now posts on 8chan as QAnon. On November 3, Election Day, 8chan (now 8kun) administrator Ron Watkins resigned from his post. Q did not post for the next week, raising questions about a connection.And the NBC News propaganda:
In November 2017, a small-time YouTube video creator and two moderators of the 4chan website, one of the most extreme message boards on the internet, banded together and plucked out of obscurity an anonymous and cryptic post from the many conspiracy theories that populated the website’s message board. Over the next several months, they would create videos, a Reddit community, a business and an entire mythology based off the 4chan posts of “Q,” the pseudonym of a person claiming to be a high-ranking military officer. The theory they espoused would become Qanon, and it would eventually make its way from those message boards to national media stories and the rallies of President Donald Trump. Now, the people behind that effort are at the center of a fractious debate among conspiracy enthusiasts, some of whom believe the three people who first popularized the Qanon theory are promoting it in order to make a living. Others suggest that these original followers actually wrote Q’s mysterious posts. While the identity of the original author or authors behind “Q” is still unknown, the history of the conspiracy theory’s spread is well-documented — through YouTube videos, social media posts, Reddit archives, and public records reviewed by NBC News. NBC News has found that the theory can be traced back to three people who sparked some of the first conversation about Qanon and, in doing so, attracted followers who they then asked to help fund Qanon “research.” Qanon is a convoluted conspiracy theory with no apparent foundation in reality. The heart of it asserts that for the last year the anonymous “Q” has taken to the fringe internet message boards of 4chan and 8chan to leak intelligence about Trump’s top-secret war with a cabal of criminals run by politicians like Hillary Clinton and the Hollywood elite. There is no evidence for these claims. In addition to peeking into the mainstream, the theory has been increasingly linked to real-world violence. In recent months, Qanon followers have allegedly been involved in a foiled presidential assassination plot, a devastating California wildfire, and an armed standoff with local law enforcement officers in Arizona. Part of the Qanon appeal lies in its game-like quality. Followers wait for clues left by “Q” on the message board. When the clues appear, believers dissect the riddle-like posts alongside Trump’s speeches and tweets and news articles in an effort to validate the main narrative that Trump is winning a war against evil. There are now dozens of commentators who dissect “Q” posts — on message boards, in YouTube videos and on their personal pages — but the theory was first championed by a handful of people who worked together to stir discussion of the “Q” posts, eventually pushing the theory on to bigger platforms and gaining followers — a strategy that proved to be the key to Qanon’s spread and the originators’ financial gain. The anons Before Q, there was a wide variety of “anon” 4chan posters all claiming to have special government access. In 2016, there was FBIAnon, a self-described “high-level analyst and strategist” offering intel about the 2016 investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Then came HLIAnon, an acronym for High Level Insider, who posted about various dubious conspiracies in riddles, including one that claimed Princess Diana had been killed because she found out about 9/11 “beforehand” and had “tried to stop it.” Then “CIAAnon” and “CIA Intern” took to the boards in early 2017, and last August one called WH Insider Anon offered a supposed preview that something that was “going to go down” regarding the DNC and leaks. Qanon was just another unremarkable part of the “anon” genre until November 2017, when two moderators of the 4chan board where Q posted predictions, who went by the usernames Pamphlet Anon and BaruchtheScribe, reached out to Tracy Diaz, according to Diaz’s blogs and YouTube videos. BaruchtheScribe, in reality a self-identified web programmer from South Africa named Paul Furber, confirmed that account to NBC News. “A bunch of us decided that the message needed to go wider so we contacted Youtubers who had been commenting on the Q drops,” Furber said in an email. Diaz, a small-time YouTube star who once hosted a talk show on the fringe right-wing network Liberty Movement Radio, had found moderate popularity with a couple of thousand views for her YouTube videos analyzing WikiLeaks releases and discussing the “pizzagate” conspiracy, a baseless theory that alleged a child sex ring was being run out of a Washington pizza shop. As Diaz tells it in a blog post detailing her role in the early days of Qanon, she banded together with the two moderators. Their goal, according to Diaz, was to build a following for Qanon — which would mean bigger followings for them as well. On Nov. 3, 2017, just six days after the first 4chan post from “Q,” Diaz posted a video entitled “/POL/- Q Clearance Anon – Is it #happening???” in which she introduced the conspiracy theory to her audience. “I do not typically do videos like this,” she said, but citing Q’s “very specific and kind of eerie” posts, Diaz explained that she would be covering the 4chan posts, “just in case this stuff turns out to be legit because honestly it kind of seems legit.”
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