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Israel PURPOSELY targeting innocent women and children in Gaza to level fertility playing field: "the plan is to kill the children"
By ethanh // 2023-11-19
As political activist Karl Denninger says, demographics are destiny. And in order to maintain its stranglehold over the Western-dominated global political structure, Israel is purposely murdering innocent Palestinian women and children, as well as their fathers, to try to level the fertility playing field and increase its chances at victory. Like most of the West, Israel is an LGBT playland – Tel Aviv is the six-colored rainbow capital of the world, in case you did not know. Its birth rates are so low that its population is barely replacing itself. Meanwhile, the Arab world that surrounds it is among the fastest-growing demographic in the world. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that Israel, even with the help of its "allies" (puppets), is vastly outnumbered, which makes committing mass genocide against the target a whole lot more difficult. Keep in mind as well that upwards of 90 percent of Israel's population is "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which we know causes infertility and other problems that inhibit reproduction. Conversely, the Arab world is growing by leaps and bounds while rejecting Western-made depopulation "medicine." "By killing Palestinian women and children, Israel is able to accomplish multiple objectives," explains The Burning Platform. "They reduce the number of young Palestinians and the number who have yet to be born." "When they kill their fathers, mothers and children, they insure that the children don't grow up to seek revenge on those who killed their parents. It's a method to reduce the 'blowback,' as Ron Paul described during the 2008 GOP debate. To the warmongering neo-cons like Graham, Haley, and Cheney, this is just collateral damage to be expected when ruling the world." (Related: As many warned, Israel's goal was never just to eradicate "Hamas." The plan is to completely annihilate all two-plus million Palestinians living in Gaza so their land can be stolen and added to Israel.)

Zelensky and his Nazi battalions have been slaughtering innocents in Ukraine since 2014 for same reasons

Israel has a tough needle to thread in that it does not want its puppet states like the United States to grow too large, especially with their white populations, so as to become a threat to Israel itself once the jig is up. At the same time, Israel needs lots of bodies from said puppet states to constantly fight its wars. This balancing act seems to be tipping in favor of Israel's enemies in the current age as the West dies and the East rises, complete with millions upon millions of aggressively reproducing Arabs who are tired of being pushed around by Israel and the West. Perhaps this was the impetus behind Israel's outmoded response to the October 7 Hamas attack, which almost appears to have been scheduled for such a time as this to push the pedal to the medal and get the job done of clearing out Gaza and annexing the land into itself while there is still time. It could be too little, too late, though. Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to fighting any more Israeli wars. The military was gutted anyway and turned into an LGBT freak show, rendering it too impotent to even fight a war. Now, the U.S. Army is trying to attract white men for the first time in a long while because it appears to be game on. "U.S. politicians and their regime media mouthpieces have no qualms about their blatant hypocrisy when supporting the slaughter of innocents when it is done by countries they support, but scream bloody murder when their 'evil' enemy Putin even kills one child when trying to liberate the Donbas, where Zelensky and his nazi battalions have been slaughtering women and children since 2014," The Burning Platform notes. "The deaths of women and children in Gaza is purposeful and planned. Don't let the unceasing propaganda from the regime media and the Biden administration override the facts." What Israel is doing to the Palestinians is evil. Learn more at Sources for this article include: