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The Prather Point: Michael Yon warns about the AMALGAM OF ENEMIES threatening America – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2023-11-26
Combat correspondent Michael Yon warned about the "amalgam of enemies" threatening America during the Nov. 17 episode of "The Prather Point" on Brighteon.TV. "It's a whole jungle of enemies; we have an amalgam of enemies," he told program host Jeffrey Prather. "Let's talk about the World Economic Forum (WEF) as an example – that's a prime enemy. But that's an amalgam of people, or as they call them in the WEF, stakeholders – which means owners." "Now, the WEF is consanguinated with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – I mean, they are hand in glove with each other," he continued. Yon mentioned that the WEF-CCP relationship is clearly unequal, with Beijing having a dominant status over Davos. (Related: World Economic Forum globalist Klaus Schwab praises China’s authoritarian regime as a 'role model' for the world.) According to Yon, there are people in government who are also members of the WEF – such as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The former Green Beret denounced the Israeli leader, calling him a "straight up evil guy" who partnered with the CCP and the WEF. He also told Prather how he was done with Israel and its treachery after it sold America's secrets to China. According to the combat correspondent, the current Israel is not the biblical one – but is more like a corporation. This entity, Yon continued, does not represent Jews and Judaism and is not a Jewish state.

America's enemies using Darien Gap migrants as foot soldiers

In response to Prather asking him to show links between the Darien Gap in Panama and the U.S.-Mexico border, Yon said America is paying a huge amount for both. The two areas serve as gathering points for migrants who seek to undermine U.S. border security. He added that Panama is currently dying with many of the streets already blocked because of an internal conflict happening in the country. The well-traveled combat correspondent said Panama is being taken by all the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who have made their headquarters at the Panama Canal. These NGOs – which include the World Health Organization, World Food Program, International Organization for Migration, Red Cross and other groups – have taken over an old U.S. military base headquarters on the Panama Canal. He stressed that Panama is clearly being destabilized and the U.S. Southern Command is deeply involved in it, with the canal being vital to America. Yon claimed that behind the scenes, the CCP – with the help of the U.S. – have been doing a huge information war in Panama and they are causing the people to fight each other. "You got Panamanians fighting each other now. Instead of fighting the government, they're fighting each other. There's been violence already; a lot of significant violence is picking up as the Panamanians kill themselves to protest their government," he told Prather. "The roads, a lot of the main roads are closed and of course, the main road is Pan-American Highway. A lot of the roads are closed now, and food farmers are going out of business. That's a big deal, [alongside] foods not making it to the stores." Follow to know more about the WEF and its ties with the CCP. Watch the Nov. 17 episode of "The Prather Point" below. "The Prather Point" with Jeffrey Prather airs every Friday at 10-11 a.m. and every Saturday at 7-8 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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