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January 6 committee run by Kinzinger and Cheney a "sham," says GOP senator calling for new investigation
By ethanh // 2023-11-27
Now that more than 40,000 hours of January 6 "insurrection" footage has been released by GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), there is simply no more denying that no actual "insurrection" took place. It was all a ruse, we now know, thanks to newly released footage suggesting that Capitol police were in on the false flag. Take the following video, for instance, which shows a Capitol Police officer uncuffing a protester and bumping fists with another officer while carousing down a Capitol hallway: Then there is this video showing that Capitol Police ushered peaceful protesters into the Capitol building, leading them to believe that their conduct was lawful: (Related: House Speaker Johnson made "getting vaccines into arms" one of his top priorities during the Wuhan coronavirus [COVID-19] "pandemic.")

Liz Cheney calls Sen. Mike Lee a "nutball conspiracy theorist"

Clearly Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger lied about J6 based on what they concluded in their report, or perhaps they never bothered to even look at any more of the footage in question. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Ut.) raised questions about their report on X (formerly Twitter), pointing out that they got the whole thing wrong based on the full footage that has since been publicly released. "Why didn't Liz Cheney and Adam Kizinger [sic] ever refer to any of these tapes?" Lee asked. "Maybe they never looked for them." "Maybe they never even questioned their own narrative ... Maybe they were just too busy selectively leaking the text messages of Republicans they wanted to defeat." Said committee is now fully disbanded, but it should be noted that both Cheney and Kinzinger claim to be republicans. In Sen. Lee's view, the two of them were quietly and carefully sharing information on a selective basis to withhold the truth from view. Cheney responded to Sen. Lee's post with the same carefully selected recycled footage that America already saw from the very beginning, only proving his point. "Liz, we've seen footage like that a million times," Sen. Lee responded. "You made sure we saw that – and nothing else ... It's the other stuff – what you deliberately hid from us – that we find so upsetting." Sen. Lee also asked Cheney how many of the guys seen in her video were just feds in disguise trying to incite a riot. Cheney of course never responded. Sen. Lee is so upset about the matter, which he calls a "sham," that he is now calling for an investigation into the committee itself and its alleged misuse of taxpayer dollars along the way. An investigation could bring to the surface crucial information that was "deliberately lost or destroyed," thus proving that Sen. Lee's allegations against it are correct. Sen. Lee linked to an article published by the New York Post bearing the headline, "FBI lost count of how many paid informants were at Capitol on Jan. 6, and later performed audit to figure out exact number." This alone suggests that agent provocateurs were present at J6 who turned it into the spectacle it ended up becoming. In response to all this, the only thing Cheney could say is that Lee is a "nutball conspiracy theorist" – so mature, Liz. The latest news about J6 can be found at Sources for this article include: