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Zelensky concedes to counter-offensive FAILURE: "We did not achieve the desired results"
By ethanh // 2023-12-08
The war in Ukraine has reached a "new phase," to quote welfare queen and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who now admits that his counter-offensive against Russia has failed. "We wanted faster results," Zelensky complained. "From that perspective, unfortunately, we did not achieve the desired results. And this is a fact." According to Zelensky, there is simply "not enough power to achieve the desired results faster," meaning Ukraine is running out of able-bodied young men and women to fight on the front lines because all of them are dying. Zelensky would continue in a statement to whine about the fact that his Western sponsors, including the United States, have not given him all the weapons he is demanding. Zelensky is also upset that the Israel-Hamas war is shifting attention away from him and his war effort. "You see, attention equals help," Zelensky complained like the whiny little toddler brat he is. "No attention will mean no help. We fight for every bit of attention. Without attention, there may be weakness in Congress." (Related: American taxpayers are paying for Zelensky to purchase mansions and other lavish material goods while struggling Americans suffer under crippling inflation.)

Man-baby Zelensky demands more U.S. money and attention

Someone get this guy a pacifier, am I right? Not this time, Zelensky. Even Joe Biden and his regime now agree that Zelensky needs to give it up already: Russia won. It is a tough pill for man-baby Zelensky to swallow, but it is the truth. And other Zelensky welfare supporters like Germany, the European Union's (EU) biggest economy, agree that Zelensky "should come to the realization that things cannot go on like this." The West is tired of paying Zelensky's bills – and frankly never should have paid any of them to begin with. "We built up this mountain of steel for the counter-offensive," stated one now-former U.S. official about the situation. "We can't do that again. It doesn't exist." Both the U.S. and Germany are in full agreement that the Ukrainian military has already lost to Russia. Ukraine will have to concede the land that Russia is taking back, and it is back to the welfare line for Zelensky. "He should address his nation of his own free will and explain that negotiations need to be carried out," another government source said about how Zelensky should handle the matter. Earlier in the month, Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), conceded as well that Ukraine's counter-offensive was a complete failure – though he used the term "most likely" failed. In the course of 10 months, Ukraine's military has barely even made a dent in achieving its agenda. An "attritional trench war," Zaluzhny further stated, could "wear down the Ukrainian state." Zelensky aids also agree that Ukraine is pretty much done now that the average age of a Ukrainian soldier has risen to 43, which is middle-aged and "[not] that healthy," according to Zaluzhny. Even so, Zelensky still has his hand out begging for more, more, more from the West. Zelensky's entitlement complex is really starting to irritate even those who previously supported him. In early November, Zelensky even reached out to Donald Trump to pay him a visit so Zelensky can explain to Trump why Ukraine's war has to continue indefinitely, and be funded by the West. According to National Security Council strategic communications coordinator John Kirby, the U.S. is a "large enough, big enough, economically viable and vibrant enough country to be able to support both," referring to limitless U.S. aid for both Ukraine and Israel – because the U.S. has become Zionism first. The latest news about Ukraine can be found at Sources for this article include: