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That U.S. taxpayer money Congress is sending to Ukraine? It's being laundered back to the military-industrial complex
By ethanh // 2023-12-11
The only reason why the United States Congress continues to vote in favor of sending more and more billions to Ukraine is because the money ends up being laundered back into the U.S. military-industrial complex, says Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.). In an interview with Tucker Carlson on X (formerly Twitter), the politician was asked to explain why Washington has seemingly no limit on the amount of taxpayer cash it is willing to wire to Volodymyr Zelensky and his regime in Kiev, even though it is obvious that Ukraine "cannot win" against Russia. "You know, people are getting rich, so let's do it," Massie, who has repeatedly voted against funding Kiev's military operations, told Carlson. "It's an immoral argument, but it is one. But that's not the argument they're making in public." Massie says that a lot of the funds the U.S. is sending to Ukraine end up "enriching" people within specific U.S. districts, as well as "stockholders, some of whom are congressmen." The way the corrupt U.S. Congress is getting away with all this, besides the fact that their constituents are asleep at the wheel, is by proposing each new cash injection as a "moral obligation." "You're a bad person if you're against this," Massie explained about how the manipulation works. (Related: Ukraine has already pretty much lost the war; Zelensky just refuses to admit it.)

Ukraine, the money laundering machine

Massie referenced a statement recently made by U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, who suggested that failing to support "the fight for freedom in Ukraine" would mean to allow Russian President Vladimir Putin to "prevail." "But no one mentions that we have abetted the killing of an entire generation of Ukrainian men that will not be replaced," Massie noted. "To fight a war that they cannot win." The only way a person could ever actually support the U.S. government's constant sending of taxpayer cash to Ukraine, according to Massie, is if they are "economically illiterate and morally deficient." America's fake president, Joe Biden, is blasting Massie for speaking out against these welfare payments to Ukraine, calling the refusal to support Kiev "absolutely crazy" and "against U.S. interests." Biden, in case you did not know, has stated in the past that America will send welfare checks to Ukraine for "as long as it takes," meaning the plan is to do it forever. Zelensky is begging for another $111 billion payment, which Congress is currently debating. The amount, dubbed a "national security supplemental request," includes funding for not just Ukraine but also now Israel. Unless Washington first boots spending at the U.S.-Mexico border, Republicans have pledged to not let the proposal pass. Republicans also want tighter immigration controls as well as revisions to asylum and parole laws in immigration proceedings. In other words, Republicans have no moral backbone or spine, either. They just want their pet projects funded first before the Democrats can get their pet projects funded. Both parties, meanwhile, are on the dole and take a cut from whatever they choose to pass. Speaking about the matter, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that Washington's continued support for Ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with defending "democracy" or battling Russia. It is instead about making a profit and modernizing the U.S. military-industrial complex. "Of course they're getting kickbacks for the military-industrial complex," one commenter wrote. "And don't forget 10 percent for the 'big guy.'" "Start calling out specific congressmen who are benefitting financially," encouraged another. "They are ghouls and war profiteers." Ukraine is a money pit that is sucking Americans and the West dry. Learn more at Sources for this article include: